Enough is enough is enough...

Aug 27, 2014 20:38

No more. I've had it.
There is life, make believe and pretenend. Me, I'm just..vegetating.
Oh yeah, I got a good job(which I'm too stupid and slow for and it shows), but otherwise..what little time off I have I spend on searching for a halfways affordable, decent flat and a new job, because this one's contract is running out mid October. So, yeah, again with the money issue. Not to mention that at the new place I don't even have a phone(aside of my extremely costly cell, which half of the time just goes dead due to the location). Oh and hey, it's even further away than my previous job, so now not even my friend will come visit me, because without car it's basically impossible to get back to civilization past six pm respectively nine thirty am. Sound familiar? Try Alcatraz(no, it's not, but if you're not mobile, it pretty much sums it up).

Long story told short: I'm tired.
I tired of fighting to live up to my employers' expectations, I'm tired of not being able to get any decent sleep, I'm tired of this dumb misstep I made just refusing to heal, I'm tired of having to spend most of my freetime at the dentist, I'm tired of having to squeeze all my visits into one or two days, I'm tired of not being able to invite my people over because this godforsaken shuebox is so cramp3d and clammy and cold most folks don't want to visit a second time, I'm tired of not being able to keep my weight or at least eat healthy, I'm tired of being in love with a guy who doesn't know how to love, I'm tired of fighting against all and everything and most of all against myself.

To quote Shakespeare: "Tired with all these, from these would I be gone,
                                      Save that, to die, I leave my love alone."

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