OMG, does David look mreow with his sunglasses on? Just caught a glimpse of eppy 11x07 and that smug grin is oh-so-Hodges! Spoilers?
Yes please!
As for my dearest beloved..*sigh* too good to be true. Nuff said.
And I still consider handing out prescription tranquilizers to bratty students should be standard for teachers; the way my classmates behave
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Sadly enough, I can't go around kicking people who deserve to be kicked(or rather shot) around, since I'm a first year student. Yup, end of the food chain, that's me. Now imagine being a female halfcaste and having to work with a sexist racist. Or a racist sexist. A loud, rude, self-absorbed, lazy, attention-whoring, fat glutton, to make matters worse. Sometimes I think our boss has too soft a heart, because more than one of the comments he made towards some of the non-native coworkers could actually get him fired or sued so bad, he'd never recover. Then again, considering the way he acts, I assume it's really only a matter of time before somebody blows their fuse and his lights out. Sadly enough, no one at the working place would be really surprised by this.
Or sad.
Well then, I'll be hearing from you sometime around. You take care of yourself, and just to get you into the right festive mood, let me jog your brain with this:
David. Four poster bed. Red silk ribbons. Eggnog and honey.
Have fun!^^
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