School, projects and other calamitites

Oct 21, 2010 17:38

*whew* Ok, admittedly; when it comes to school projects, I'm the worst of the lazy slackers. For good luck, we got so many pupils in the school with significant grammar and language problems, the teach rescheduled the presentations for another week. Which gives me one more week to pimp this meager dossier into something that will guarantee me an A. Now to go find some pictures and stuff...
Oh, and I just did Hodges proud today; one of my fellow students called me "geezer" on my way out. I replied with a semi-glare and "dwarf".
"I'm bigger than you!" he countered. Purring, I explained;
"I was reffering to your mental abbilities."
"That too!" came the offended answer. Really, some people just ask for it. So I gave him my sweetest smile and said;
"Not hardly. And besides, a balloon full of hot air still remains a balloon."

Sometimes, they're really too easy. Oh, and did I mention I got an 'A' in politics?
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