This entry will be a short one. I woke up Thursday morning with stomach cramps, and it was a rainy day in San Juan. After a mild breakfast, I decided I wasn't up to going ashore. I stayed in the cabin while Kevin went out with the group to explore a fort; he said I wouldn't have found it very interesting anyway. He came back after only a couple of hours, having tired of the rain. Around the same time, my stomach decided to reject my breakfast.
After sleeping all afternoon, I was coaxed out of the cabin by Kevin to attend that night's entertainment, an Elton John impersonator who turned out to be pretty good. Entertainment can be hit-or-miss on these cruises (witness
last year's magic act), and none of the other offerings on this cruise interested us at all. I was feeling better, but not up for sitting through dinner, so I grabbed some bread at the cafeteria and a can of ginger ale to take back to the room. Wouldn't you know it, I missed another chance to eat cake at dinner, as Nancy was celebrating her birthday. I also missed some impromptu mentalism from
Mark Edward after dinner.