
Jul 18, 2011 22:13

Nominations for the Chronos Awards close today. Have you made your picks yet? If not, more info here.

I haven't been blogging much, I know.  Haven't really been doing much of anything in particular lately. There have been health issues, work issues, writing issues, me issues...you get the idea.  2009 was a year I was happy to kick the rear end of as it skulked off into the distance.

Still, there were positives. I don't want to do a formal year-that-was type post, but some highlights for me were my communications with Clive Barker and subsequently moderating an AHWA Halloween chat at which Clive was the special guest, winning the Ditmar for Best New Talent, being nominated for an Aurealis Award, attending Conflux, starting my novel (which has ground to a halt at 25,000 words, but I plan on completing it by mid this year), working hard at improving my writing, continuing to score some more story sales I'm proud of, and, just as importantly, some personal rejections I'm proud of too. The speed of my writing has reduced dramatically, but I think (I hope) that the quality has increased significantly. I have also narrowed down the markets I'm targeting to almost exclusively pro, with a few semi pro mixed in, and subsequently my acceptance ratio has reduced noticeably too - but the personal rejections and "you were very close, please send more"s keep getting better, so I figure I'm onto something that might eventually prove good, regardless.

My goal for this year?


Just write.

I'm going to leave it at that.

Couple of sales recently: Bread and Circuses to Ticonderoga's Scary Kisses paranormal romance anthology, and Charlie to Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. I've got a bunch of reviews to write for the next issue of the Specusphere, and I really need to get my butt into gear with ASIM #44, which I'm editing, and which will feature a kick arse cover by Marc McBride, not to mention the fabulous stories hiding behind aforementioned cover.  It's going to be a busy few months.

This is also the year I turn 30, and stereotypically, I've had a wee personal crisis and made some big decisions about my life, which I can't reveal yet because you just never know who reads your blog.  On that annoying note, I promise to reveal the Big Decisions eventually.

Well, that breaketh the blogging drought, anyway.  It's nice to be back.
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