Save Internet Radio

Apr 19, 2007 17:02

I don't know how many people read this, but I'll try anyway. The music industry greedy bigwigs want streaming Internet music stations to pay a huge increase is royalties, which will basically kill off US small- to mid-sized Internet radio stations in the USA. Even if the Internet radio stations are cluttered up with ads, the ad revenue still won't be enough to allow the stations to continue streaming.

I can tell you how much I detest the RIAA/mainstream music industry and mainstream FM radio.

It's Internet radio that has introduced me to a number of music artists (whose albums I PURCHASED!)

At least there are many good Internet radio stations outside of the USA, but who knows if other countries will follow the USA's lead with the royalty/greed thing.

This quote from the Save Internet Radio blog sums my feelings up well:

Preston said...

"This is truly disturbing....I love internet radio and have discovered there are still bands that exist that don't sound like the trash on radio radio......if i were an internet radio site it would be off to the Caymans.....we'll need foreign operated sites to listen to internet radio in a free country -- UNBELIEVABLE"

Please visit to send an email to your government officials. I don't know if this even does any good, but it can't hurt.

internet radio

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