Oh well, so once again I was more optimistic about my schedule than I should have been... Oooh - Building Construction assignments take more and more time and I keep forgetting to realize that.
But the Statics test might turn out sort of well, I keep my fingers crossed.
Enough about the school crap...
I finished watching Babel. I watched it in parts... during my breaks in working/studying. I loved Brad Pitt there and hated Gael Garcia Bernal. Don't take me wrong - Gael is one of my top rated actors and men, but he played that asshole so well that I actually saw him as a jerk and hated him.
motto of this month: GET THE DAY ROLLING!
and this strip is motto of this night - I tend to eat during working at nights... mostly to stay awake, but also to find an excuse to take a break... such a bad habit. And in the morning I'm not only tired, but also sick from all that junk food:)