mental note: update more

Mar 20, 2007 08:44

Oh my, I haven't updated in ages!

My dear flist, I'm pleased to inform you that I'm in the second round of a challenge called college. Now, in the fourth week of semester the enthusiasm is slowly disappearing... :-)

And what have I learned up till now?
- not to mind going to the shower room only in my towel and meeting all the dressed people.
- to sleep even though both my roommates are up all night (whatever they are doing)
- to do whatever I do so quietly that they can both sleep
- to draw as an expert using a big piece of glass and a lamp
- to stay up all night and then function using coffee as a life-bringing liquid
- not to mind looking like crap afterwards, 'cause all my 200 schoolmates look the same way (or even worse)
- to embrace the idea of how my college functions - work all night and go to school to waste time (now we call it relax) in a many-hour waiting line
- oh yeah, and certainly something new concerning my major (hopefully)
- I got hooked up on tv shows - DH, House, Grey's Anatomy, Gilmore Girls, Sex And The City... 'cause with no tv at the dorm for a long time I discovered the charm of the episodes marathon watched on the internet
- English courses apparently suck at all kinds of schools

- and that there is LJ and bunch of you people who are very nice and interesting!!!

Have a nice day, ya'all :-)


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