(no subject)

Sep 28, 2002 13:18

1. Can you walk around your house @ night with the lights off and not run into anything?
Course, i do it all the time!
2. Ever put off emailing for over a month?
...no comment, hehehe
3. Ever received a ?why don?t you write me?? email?
Don't think so
4. Ever taken your frustration/bad mood out on others?
All the time, who doesnt :0P
5. Ever had a huge argument and then realized that you were wrong?
All the time with my mother!
6. Ever left things the way they were just because it would be harder to resolve it?
Yeah.. some family issues
7. Ever thought someone was "hopeless"?
Every1 eccept me!
8. Ever been so dazed that you take a drink of water but completely miss your mouth?
With food as well .. nd my mouth is heeuge!
9. Ever dropped your toothbrush in the toilet?
Ermm, cnt say I have.. Firm grip or sumat>!?
10. Have you ever dropped something in the toilet that you HAD to retrieve?
Rofl.. I remember when I was like 6, Katie (not mentioning her last name.. I'll give her some dignity :P) dropped my little pet shop (I think it was a dog) down the toilet and I remember she tried to get it out with a spoon and dropped that, too.
11. Ever driven off from the gas station without closing the gas thing?
12. Can you sleep better @ night or during the day?
In leisure usually.. that class just bores me to sleep
13. Do you print out pictures of celebrities/musicians off of the Internet?
Yeah, why?
14. Have you ever entered an art contest?
15. Do you remember the Lisa Frank phase?
Yeah!!!!!!! I was in first year I think!!
16. Is your favourite colour evident by the clothes you wear?
Heh.. I guess, tho they don't make blue clothing too often
17. Coats and sweaters or tank tops and bathing suits?
18. Do you think everyone should have a significant other during the winter months [for cuddling in the cold]?
I guess?
19. Is there a movie that you can really relate to?
not really
20. Ever found lyrics to a song that almost exactly describes you?
Yeah.. most of what I listen to has something that relates to me one way or another.
21. Ever go to a ?place of business? so often that costumers think you work there?
22. Would you go to a strip club to watch members of the opposite sex? Same sex?
23. What do you think of guys who dress in drag?
Haha.. I think that is the shit
24. Do you think movies overemphasize the differences in society?
25. Do you look @ people in the car next to you at the stoplight?
26. Ever said a word so many times in a row that it didn?t even sound like a word anymore?
Yeah, I do that alot
27. Was there a book series you read growing up?
Animorphs, Fear Street, Goosebumps, Saddle Club
28. Do you write letters on notebook paper, stationary, computer paper, other, or all?
Mostly notebook and thru computer/e-mail
29. Ever written a letter to someone and weren?t able to give it to them because it was so personal and detailed?
30. Where do your wet towels end up after your shower/bath?
In my room in the hamper
31. Ever guessed what time it was and been off by hours?
Not really, only if I fall asleep during the day and just wake up
32. Do you have a subscription to anything?
33. Do you get more friend mail, business mail, or junk mail?
34. Ever slept nude?
yeah, when I got this really bad sunburn 3 years ago.. first time I ever really got it
35. Ever walked around your house nude?
Nah.. I'll run across it nude if I have to get something, is home alone, and don't feel like tracking down a towel
36. Anyone ever accidentally see you naked? Visa versa?
I don't think so
37. Do you dental floss daily? Weekly?
Not quite daily, not quite weekly
38. Do you use mouthwash or think that brushing is enough?
I use mouthwash sometimes
39. Ever been in the middle of a sexual act and actually Felt The Heat between the two of you?
Um.. no?
40. Are you able to act?
Not really.. I can act retarded, thats about it
41. Can you give public speeches without freaking out?
Sometimes if the group is small enough/I know them well enough and if I studied the material
42. Ever had to think extremely hard to remember what happened the day before?
43. Which is better: music of today, music of yesterday?
they both have their suckiness
44. Do you drive through town, or around it?
45. Ever find humor in a part of a movie that no one else does?
more then likely
46. What do you spend most of your money on?
music memorabilia
47. What do you waste most of your money on?
music memorabilia
48. Can you like the lyrics without liking the song?
49. Can you like the song without understanding the lyrics?
not really
50. Are accents a turn on?
51. Do you dream more good then bad?
52. Can you interpret your own dreams or do you have to have someone else tell you what they think?
I can interpret some of them (the ones that are interpretable)
53. Radio or cd?s? "The radio still sucks!"
54. Movies or TV series?movies
55. Ever regret saying something hurtful? yes.. whenever I say something hurtful, even if the person deserved it I still feel like a whore
56. Ever regret expressing your love? not really.. don't really express my love
57. Do you think some things should be left unsaid?
definately. Most things that occur between me and other people can be interpreted and don't need words.. unless if someone is mad at someone else for something.. if they refuse to talk to that person to try to resolve things b/c of their anger, they are just lame
58. Do you stand up for yourself?
59. Do you stand up for others?
of course.. I stand up more for what is right then for who I like tho.
60. Do you know the difference between standing up for others and fighting someone else?s battles?
yeah.. for the most part
61. Things you would like to say to (omit any that don?t apply):
? Favorite past teacher?
My first year teacher, mrs. stephenson.
62. Is there anything that you truly:
? Protest? abortion, mumia (regardless of whether he killed faulkner, he should still die for the bullshit he and his group of black supremiists started up, religious extremists
? Support? Darwin, evolution
? Hate? violence, ignorance
? Love? my friends
? Believe in? I am not religious.. I have a scientific mind. I do not *believe in* anything, I only accept theories and ideas.
? Ignore/doubt? Religious extremists. They say that to get your soul to heaven you accept Christ cos you sinned. They more or less created sin so they could win.. then when you mention other leaders and followers that killed/sinned in the name of god (Hitler, crusades, Spanish Inqusistion, Aztec Indians genocide, condemning all Jews to hell in 1280 AD, did I mention altar boys?) they rant off about how these people were decieved by the devil. Little do they realize the exsistance of the devil was a product of Christianity, created to contrast God to make him look honorable. In the pre-christian times no one believed in any evil or satan.
? Admire? my friends, all of them, heehee(the few that I ultimately respect that never gave up), many many musicians
? Want? heh..
? Have? dunno
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