I need to write in this more often.

Mar 05, 2003 20:46

Have you ever:

1. Fallen for your best friend? Nope.
2. Made out with JUST a friend? Of course.
3. Been rejected? Absolutely.
4. Been in love? Yes
5. Been in lust? Yes
6. Used someone? Most definitely.
7. Been used? Probably, although I usually don't realize it right away
8. Cheated on someone? Yeah, but I'm not proud of it.
09. Been cheated on? Not sure, but I'm guessing no.
10. Been kissed? Duuuh.
11. Done something you regret? Nothing at all; everything is a learning experience.

Who was the last person...

12. You touched? Lex, on the tummy
13. You talked to? My mom, asking her if I could make cookies
14. You hugged? Either Lex or Jeff
15. You instant messaged? Lyssa
16. You kissed? Sam
17. You had sex with? Sam
18. You yelled at? My therapist
19. You laughed with? Jenna D
20. You had a crush on? I plead the Fifth.
21. Who broke your heart? Megan, but I'm way over it.

Do you...

22. Color your hair? On occasion.
23. Have tattoos? Getting one when I get the cash.
24. Have piercings? 4 ear, 1 cartilage, and my nose
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? Sam is my man.
26. Floss daily? Riiiight.
27. Own a web cam? Yes ma'am.
28. Ever get off the damn computer? Yes, I'm not addicted like my little bro.
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? No, but I know what that means.
30. Habla espanol? See above.
40. Considered a life of crime? Considered? I'm living one, baby.
41. Considered being a hooker? Ew.
42. Considered being a pimp? NO
43. Are you psycho? Ask my therapist.
44. Split personalities? Not that I know of.
45. Schizophrenic? No
46. Obsessive? About washing my hands at work, because pharmacies are full of sick people.
47. Obsessive compulsive? No.
48. Panic? See below.
49. Anxiety? See above.
50. Depressed? I was. Now I'm manic. God, how bipolar disorder is fun/
51. Suicidal? Not usually.
53. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore? On occasion.
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? California
56. What would you be doing? Lying on the beach
58. What are you listening to? The sound of the keyboard
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? Meet me in bed in twenty minutes, you'll find out then.

60. Chicken or fish? Fish.
61. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? Kitties and puppies, anything cute and furry, and of course the COW.
62. Current clothing: Jeans, sweatshirt, fuzzy socks. Not a girly day for me.
Current Mood: Indifferent
Current Taste: Cookie dough
Current Annoyance: Attempting to motivate myself to do homework when there are only 44 days of school left.
Current Smell: Lavender candle
Current thing I ought to be doing: Homework
Current Desktop Picture: My own naked ass. (No, only kidding, it's the standard boring teal Microsoft interface. Ass just sounded better.)
Current Favorite Group: Jimmy Eat World and 50 Cent
Current Worry: reproductive rights, the war, my mental health, and my grades and family
Current Crush: Riight
Current Favorite Celebrity: Kevin Spacey

Are you?

Understanding: Yes
Open-minded: I try to be
Arrogant: No
Interesting: I hope so
Hungry: Always

Friendly: Usually
Moody: Always
Childish: Sometimes
Independent: In some ways.
Hard working: When I need to be.
Healthy: No
Organized: No
Emotionally Stable: hahahhahaha.. oh wait, you weren't kidding?
Shy: Not in the least.
Difficult: Absolutely.
Attractive: Some would say that.

Bored Easily: Yes.
Thirsty: Yes
Responsible: Yeah, right.
Sad: No
Happy: No
Trusting: Wait, is this another joke? NO, OF COURSE NOT
Talkative: I'm as talkative as President Bush is dumb.
Original: Yes.
Different: Internally.
Unique: Everyone's unique.
Lonely: Got a tendency to feel that way.
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