Aug 03, 2006 19:19
whilst reading a random newspaper on the L and perusing the always classy classifieds, i saw that, if i was eligible, i could get $7000 for one of my eggs. egg! and if i wanted to be a surrogate mother, i could get $20000+! amazing! what a country we have! so for seven grand, i can someday have a strange little me running around that i have no emotional attachment with and has no dependence on me. wow. and $20000 is no way near enough to get me to be a surrogate. why don't you people adopt?!? for 9 months of discomfort, insane bodily functions, no sex, and emotional crises, $20000 is nowhere near enough money. maybe $200000. or maybe i could just get through college and get a good job. perhaps. perhaps. perhaps. so much silliness in the world.
on monday i saw billy FUCKING idol at pine knob [dte]. HA. hilarity. billy idol was kinda hot in the 80s with his angry sneer and slender body, but now he's uber wrinkly...and still kind of hot. for being 51. eep. older than my parents. geez. interesting concert, though. i've been to pine knob a few times, definitely a fun place for a concert. we got $5 lawn tickets and plopped ourselves down on a thick comforter in 90 degree weather and waited. the show started at like 8 and after 10 minutes, jackie, barker, AND allie turn to me and go, "this isn't billy idol, it's his opener." WHAT. HE HAS WHITE SPIKED HAIR, GOOD BODY, BRITISH ACCENT, AND HE'S SINGING A BILLY IDOL SONG. DUDE. IT'S BILLY IDOL. geez. idiots. ha. i was surprised, he played a good 2 hours. most concerts now, the bands only play like an hour to hour and a half. pfft. kinda weird though, towards the end of the show, these two 50+ year old ex-hippies meandered over to our area of the lawn, and popped a squat RIGHT NEXT TO ME (very close) and lit up a joint. HA. i was so close to asking, "hey, pass it on!" but i didn't want herpes. oh well. it was a sober night for me. didn't even smoke! hurrah.
bjork is pretty fucking crazy. my cousins absolutely adore her, so i downloaded one of her cds...weird stuff. not bad, just random icelandic screamings isn't what i normally listen to.
i definitely accomplished nothing today. i'm somewhat annoyed, but also relieved because the father only scheduled me for 16 hours next week. he doesn't want me messing up my back more. and now i have to go to the doc. bastard. stupid tailbone i injured snowboarding and playing hockey. it hurts all the damn time. since december. i think it's time i get it checked out. erg.
fucking men. i don't like this beer league we're playing in all that much. it's fun sometimes, but what the fuck, some of these guys take these games too seriously. and then they sometimes mock us because we're girls. geez, we're just out to have fun and most of these guys have 20+ years of hockey experience, whereas most of us have like...5. pfft. assholes.
darvecet? valium? vodka? adderall? a few other drugs? yeah. allie definitely mixed all those together. destructive! so of course, this all ended in her puking out the window of my car. she told me she didn't get any on the side. i believed her. i looked last night and it's streaked all down the side. my first emotion was angerrrrrr, whattehfuck, and then worry, because stomach acid on a car may strip the paint? i don't know. i think the rain washed it off, i'll have to go look. errrr.
ipod is on the fritz! i hate how dependent i am on it. can't go a day without it. hmmph. and now the radio in my car is going down the tubes, so...great. now i have to get a new phone cause my old one is going beserk. i'm going to have to spend $300+ on things i need, but essentially, don't really need. damn technology and consumerism.
out to dinner with the parents. maybe fun. free food is always good.