Wow. Squee. Giggle. More giggle. Oh, Dean. Have I mentioned lately that I love you? You crack me up. That's very important to me. Just ask my husband.
So. (Have you noticed that I begin a lot of entries with "So"?) This ep, as always, plays much better for me in widescreen, hi-res, without the friggin' CW pop-ups. And I was delighted that it was available on iTunes first thing this morning. My reactions haven't changed all that much upon re-watch, but my enjoyment certainly has.
This was a delightful, giggle-inducing, solid humor ep. And a delightful respite from the heavy-duty angst arc we've been (necessarily) getting for the past several weeks. At first, I wouldn't have counted it as a favorite humor ep, but then, this is coming from someone who loved "Hell House," with its twists and reveals and prank war.
But, I still loved "Monster Movie." This post will probably look like a blow-by-blow commentary, almost a transcript. But seriously? There's so much here to love.
The love
begins with the opening logo and doesn't let up.
Loved the opening Warner Bros. logo from the 1940's, even though WB never made monster movies; those were the product of Universal Studios. Loved the opening creds as well, because they were on the screen long enough for me to read them, and they weren't competing with the action.
Impala driving down a dark road.
Pennsylvania/Transylvania = ♥ (As an aside, I actually did apply to
Transylvania University in Kentucky back when I was college hunting. Because, really. How can you not at least apply to Transylvania University?)
First let's just get this out of the way: The Boys look great in b&w. I'm gonna ask for a noir ep now. Of course, that might be kind of redundant, since SPN kinda is noir by it's very nature. But still. Noir, please.
Dean hates the local music. I love that the music is cheesy horror music, and I love that Dean hates it. ♥
Dean channels half the fandom--or at least
kalquessa and myself: "It's like the good ol' days. Honest to goodness monster hunt. About time the Winchesters got back to tacklin' straight forward, black and white case." Dean, have I mentioned recently that I love you? (Double points for the double meaning of "black and white." Bwah!)
Oktoberfest! And suddenly I'm nostalgic for Kings Island. Not that I ever frequented the biergarten, but it's a memory from my childhood.
"We still gotta see the new Raiders movie."
"Saw it."
"Without me?"
"You were in Hell."
"That's no excuse."
Trust me, Dean, you
weren't missing much. Still it was better than a summer vacation in Hell.
"Big pretzel!" ♥ And now I'm hungry for a soft pretzel.
I love Sam enjoying watching Dean enjoy life again. No death sentence hanging over his head, this isn't an act put on for baby brother. This is Dean's real, genuine joie de vivre.
And speaking of Sam, I'll be talking about him later.
Sam! You're eating! On screen! I'm gonna mark this down on my calendar.
Hey! It's the Russian general from SG-1.
Angus and Young. Geo had to explain that one to me. Ha. And I find it interesting that Sam is the one who introduces them. It's definitely a Dean choice in alias, but Sam takes the lead.
And I kinda love how Sam puts everything in perspective. The sheriff is worried about tourist season. Sam is upset that a girl has died. Yes, Sam, please to be reminding us what's important.
Oh, Dean. With the cheesy pick-up lines. And the wink. I think I have to smish you just on principle. Also? I really like Jamie. She can put Dean in his place, and do it with a smile.
Ed Brewer. What a great character actor they found for him. I am both amused and fascinated by his performance. And he looked familiar.
At first, I thought there was going to be a phone number in Lucy's lipstick blotting napkin. Heh.
"It's Oktoberfest. Beer and bar wenches."
"Pretty sure women today don't react well to the whole 'wench' thing, Dean."
"Hey, bar wench! Where's that beer?"
"Coming up, good sir!"
The whole conversation about no old scars and no crooked fingers intrigues me. Scars and broken bones and possible attendant pains aren't something that warrant a big deal in the grand scheme of the show, but I'm highly intrigued that they're mentioned here. And the fact that Dean came back whole I find very interesting.
And then we get Dean's conclusion as to what that means for his sex life. Re-hymenated. Oh, Dean. Allow me, as I stifle a snicker, to join Sam in the eyeroll. And I loved Sam's response: "Maybe angels could pull you out of Hell, but no one could do that." Bwah! I'll be with Sam, going back to the motel to catch some z's.
Dean has a headache, and I'm reminded of the story I'm beta-ing for
Sam! You're eating on-screen again! Twice in one ep! I don't know what to make of this!
Beer foam mustache! Hee!
Geo believes he saw an in-joke in the name of the town--Canonsburg. With one "N." Heh.
The museum guard looks familiar, but I can't place him.
Miniature bucket of dry ice. Heh!
"You're good here with the mummy and the [arm wave] crazy?" And Sam sends Dean on his way. ♥
Dean to the rescue! And when he pulled the ear off, I knew. Shapeshifter.
Random thought: I wonder which studio backlot they shot this on. Oh, wait. It was shot in Vancouver. Duh.
Dracula rides a Vespa! Bwah!
Intermission! Double bwah!
Exposition, and I have a huge problem with Dean not knowing the characters from Dracula. Mr. Edlund? Please review what a movie geek Mr. Dean ("You know fairy tales; I know movies") Winchester is. Even if he hasn't read the book, and he somehow managed to missed the umpteen-bajillion movie versions of the book, I know he's seen the Francis Ford Coppola version. Because, dude. It's Francis Ford Coppola. So don't be telling me that Sam needs to explain who Mina and Harker are. It's a cheap ploy for exposition, and you make Dean unrealistically dumb. Did you happen to write the exposition in "Red Sky at Morning" as well?
But I'll try to forgive you because you gave me the wonderful self-revealing conversation wherein Dean has regained his passion for saving people. (And Jamie looks proud of him.) It reminded me of "Wendigo," when he's so reverent about John's journal and explaining to Sam why what they do is so important.
And I love how it's assumed that one brother, in this case, Sam, will go investigate the suspected monster, while the other, in this case, Dean, because he's the one crushing on Jamie, takes care of the victim, in this case, Jamie. It's like they're in sync again. Why to I get the feeling this won't necessarily last?
Speaking of Sam, I'll be getting back to him.
"A mission from God." Oh, Dean. You really are coming around, aren't you. If your sincerity is anything to go by. I don't imagine it will help you and Castiel communicate any better, though.
And I love the kiss. It's been too long since Lisa.
Lucy interrupts. Lucy is the shapeshifter.
More bwah! The Goethe Theatre. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor! At this point, I'm clapping my hands with glee because I love that piece of music.
Vincent Price House of Wax poster! As Jared enters the shot! In-joke, anyone?
Sam checks the gun clip mag. Just like Dean, only without the tap. And . . . is that Dean's pearl handled sissy gun (as
kalquessa calls it)? Sam is carrying Dean's gun? There's fic to be had!
Casio on a roll-top desk! Bwah!
Love the silhouettes backlit on the movie screen!
"It's supposed to come off." Not as despair-filled, but definitely the same cadence as "I'm supposed to wake up." Oh, Sam.
"It's supposed to come off."
"No, it's not!"
Dean and Jamie drugged. Yep, Lucy did it. (With the name of Lucy, how could it not be her?)
Lederhosen! I love that there is absolutely no explanation for the lederhosen beyond a cheap sight gag with a Sam follow-up. Bwah!
Electrocuted? How many times does this make? Oh, but everything in the house is a prop. Movie magic. Nothing will happen. Unless those electric spark sounds are real, and he really rigged the thing . . . Dean! . . .
Saved by the bell! Dean's lucky like that. (Referenece: "A Very Supernatural Christmas") Hee!
LOVE the vamp skulking through the house! Ha! Hilarious!
"I have a coupon." Ha!
I love Sam's message to Dean's v-mail. Very casual, low-key, no need to worry.
Until he sees the clues.
I kinda like the 'shifter's backstory. And I kinda love the way the actor played it. And there could be all kinds of thinky about how he seems not so bad, but he's killed people, and he will kill again to get what he wants, and he's evil . . . but I don't want to be overly-thinky right now. Not about the 'shifter, anyway.
Sam to the rescue! And can someone please confirm whether or not that's Dean's gun? It's really bugging me. The pearl handle tells me it is, but for some reason it looks larger than Dean's favorite pistol. Or maybe it's just me.
"Hey there, Hansel."
Sam kicking in a fake door. Ha!
Sam thrown through a fake wall!
Jamie is Mina. Dean is Harker. And Sam is Van Helsing! Of course!
The damsel in distress kills the monster! Yay!
And the music. Oh, the music. It sounded so familiar. Geo says it's a play on the music from Young Frankenstein (which I recommend to those who haven't seen it). No wonder it sounded familiar.
More Dean kissing. Yay! I think this means I like the chemistry between these two actors. It just kinda makes me tingly.
"I'm very patriotic." Hee!
And Jamie gets the Sammy seal of approval. Much like Sarah got the Dean seal of approval. You go, girls!
"Feels good to be back on the job."
"Yeah, it does."
Oh, boys.
Happy endings! Can we take that as foreshadowing for the series? Please?
"Abbot and Costello Meet the Monster." Hah!
Porky's II. Can't say as I've ever seen any of the Porky's movies. Can't say as I've ever wanted to. Part of me now thinks that I'm missing some sort of reference here. Or maybe not.
The End . . . ?
And the end title music.
Now, about Sam. He's changed. I know, duh, you say. But he's . . . changed. He's always been broody, but back in the day, he was an innocent broody. Almost a defiant broody. Broody, but with every intention of coming out on top. Now he's a world weary broody. He's seen so much, been through so much. He's not the Sam I used to know. Now, don't get me wrong. Character growth is a good thing, and I think this totally makes sense. It's just that there are moments when I really notice it. And the reason behind it hurts just a little. Like watching Dean enjoy life is the only enjoyment Sam himself gets right now. Oh, Sam.
Now, about the previews for next week . . .
Dude. Duuuuude. DUUUUUUUUDE!!!
Is it Thursday yet?