Because I've been so anxious for this ep and have almost deafened people [looks as Izhi] with my excitement, I thought maybe I should share
First, it must be understood that a new ep of a favorite TV show is like receiving a new toy. I want to play with it all week until I receive the next one. I've been like this ever since I can remember. When my little bro and I were kids, we'd audio record our favorite TV shows (Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers) and listen to them like radio shows all week until the next new ep.
Nothing has changed, really, except now I have video recordings and DVDs. Woo hoo! And as a result, I've watched last night's SPN four times already. Why? Because I'm so starved for new eps that even though it is, as someone put it, a sandwich rather than the steak dinner we were hoping for, still, it's a sandwich and I'm STARVING.
In many ways, this ep did live up to my expectations. Up until the first commercial, Geo and I thought it was absolutely hilarious. Because we watch Ghost Hunters on a regular basis, we loved the send-up. He even commented--and I agree--that "they had way too much fun with this ep." (I believe it was the fake slo-mo walking that prompted this comment.) And each time I watch it, I find something new to appreciate. Like the fact that even though Dean was totally fed up with the amateur ghostbusters, it was Dean who first noticed that the girl in the group was missing. Because, of course he would. And you know what else? We get SMART!DEAN!!! Because Dean *is* smart, and sometimes I think that sorta slips the writers' minds in favor of exposition.
Also? LOVED the dig at the writers' strike. Bwah!
And I loved how the Boys were introduced into the show (with the rumble of the Impala, followed by the music, followed by a glimpse of them as they case the joint and disappear) and worked throughout. For one ep, the Ghostfacers were okay, it did feel like a set-up for a spin-off, and I doubt I'd watch it.
And then, once everyone was in the house, it went kinda intense and all creepy-like, and that was delightful.
One of the mental exercises that I play with this ep is "which camera is this being shot with?". There's only one section where I'm going, wait, whose camera is *that* supposed to be?
I really liked that this was more a self-contained Monster of the Week, rather than a really heavy arc-related ep, but that the arc is still mentioned as a part of the Boys' lives. We got confirmation of Dean's remaining timeline.
The electromagnet? Genius. Geo laughed and said, "That was just mean!" To which I responded that, hey, it had to be done, as the Boys are now *off* the federal radar, having been declared dead, and being on national TV would totally blow their cover.
Things I did not like about the ep: the hand-held video presentation. Yeah, it worked, and it wasn't as nauseating as Blair Witch, but it kept cutting away from teh pretty, and I was a trifle frustrated by that. Also? I really, REALLY wish our CW station would broadcast in widescreen, because I've come to hate pan-and-scan and having faces chopped in half.
Not sure how I feel about the resolution of the case. The ghost-killing-ghost thing has been done this season ("Red Sky in Morning"), but I honestly can't think right off of a better resolution, so I won't complain too much.
A good thing about this ep was that it did not send me into fits of apoplexy. It was a nice, if somewhat subdued, return to the show before what I have a feeling will be three episodes that *will* send me into fits of apoplexy, hyperventilation, and general curling up in a ball and whimpering pitifully.