Theater in Danger

Dec 05, 2015 15:21

Hi, all!

The theater where I used to work full-time is in danger of closing. We have an unexpected budgetary shortfall (the specifics are a little complicated, but we thought we would be able to accept funding that it turns out we're not allowed to), and if we don't make up the deficit by Dec. 31, the theater will close.

To this end, in addition to the local asks that our campaign leader is making, a lot of us who love the theater are posting to social media to promote our on-line fundraiser.

Save the State . . . Fund Our Future

Geo and I have missed having fully staged community theater, and the thought of the venue closing permanently makes my heart hurt. I'm currently playing The Charwoman in a production of A Christmas Carol being staged at the theater, and the thought of full-scale community theater losing its venue just as we finish up our first production makes me very sad.

J comes to rehearsals with us quite often, and I'm saddened also by the though of him not having access to the arts.

Please consider, if you can, contributing a little bit to our cause. Every little bit helps, and time is of the essence.



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