An enjoyable ep. I was a little put off by Dean giving Cas a hard time, but that's kind of what he does sometimes with people he's close to.
I got a huge kick out of Cas singing the theme song to The Greatest American Hero. I might have sung along a little bit. >.>
Geo and I said simultaneously, "Wow. That's cold." when it turned out Nora wanted Cas to babysit.
I'm intrigued by Crowley's desire for human blood. Is this Sam's blood addiction in reverse?
I also found the angle of mercy/angel of death thing kind of interesting. I might have been a little concerned for Dean, too, since, you know, he tends to attract things that are drawn to emotional pain and guilt.
Was highly amused when Sam told Crowley that Abaddon is scarier than Crowley has been in years. Heh!
There were a lot of personal interactions that I liked about this ep--Sam and Dean, Sam and Kevin, Dean and Cas, etc. I know there's a lot of angst in the fandom over this ep, but I just . . . don't have the energy, I guess.
I am really looking forward to next week's ep. Old school scary! \o\ \o\ A traditional salt-and-burn(?). /o/ /o/ Dean-peril. \o/ Backstory! \o/