Fic requests for writers

Apr 19, 2013 01:01


The other day, I was telling gluisa88 how much great fic was written during S3 and the S3/S4 hiatus. There was such a wide variety. It was a season and a summer of angst and dread and desperation and anxiety, and an occasional glimpse of hope. Would Sam save Dean from the deal? What would happen if he didn't? Would Dean go to Hell? Would Sam get him out? (Of course he would!) How would Sam get Dean out? What if he didn't get Dean out? Would Dean come back? Would Dean come back as a demon?!? (A fate too horrible to even think about.)

The way show dealt with it was totally unexpected, and I about bounced off the couch with excitement, but there were some excellent, heartrending fics written in the meantime. There was even, iirc, a humor one that particularly delighted me.

I miss that kind of delicious fic.

Sadly, a lot of my favorite authors from back then have disappeared from the fandom (or at least the writing of it). And I can't say that recent seasons have truly sparked my own imagination, either. Not enough so the words flow, anyway.

However . . .

As I was contemplating what kind of S8 fic I'd like to read, a few things came to mind. Obviously, being a Dean girl, and having a certain fondness for the newly introduced Benny, and the dynamic between the two, I'd like to read some Purgatory fic.

And the thing about Purgatory is that there are a lot of familiar faces running around down there. I understand that such things are not practical in the actual production of the show (writers need to write the storylines, guest actors have to be available, there should be a reason that forwards the overall direction of the story, etc.). But in fic? Well, heck. That's what fic is for

So here's my request, should any writers choose to take up the challenge:

I would like Purgatory fic of the Dean and Benny variety. (Which would place it during their search for Cas.) I would like to see Benny rescue Dean from Gordon. And/or the vampire that turned Dean (because there's a story right there for Dean to share). Maybe Luther (and Kate). (Dean could tell Benny how he and Sam grew up thinking vamps had been extinct and his first reactions to encountering one.)

However, lest you think I only want Dean as the person in peril, au contraire. I would like to see Dean rescue Benny from Dean's "daughter" Emma. Maybe from a djinn. Or a dragon (done as a dragon in the fic). Or even some sort of "Jefferson Starship," which Benny is still trying to figure out where they came from. Or maybe a 'shifter (which would very much mess with both of their heads, considering the whole shapeshifting aspect). But I'm really taken with the idea of Emma.

I know that Dean and Benny were still feeling each other out when they found Cas, but surely some things happened to get them to that point.

Anyway, action, adventure, peril, and the early stages of the loyalty and trust these guys had for each other by the time they got top-side.




f-list, request, fic

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