Two months late, but we've got some very pretty Winter Wonderland snow going today. Won't be going anywhere, as the cars are snowed in, but that's okay.
So, there's this thing going around on YouTube. A meme. The Harlem Shake. I don't really "get" it, but maybe there's really nothing to "get" except people being goofy to a dance beat. Hey, those who know me know I like a good dance beat as much as the next gal. Even the youth group at my church as done this (30-hour lock-in, so, you know. Bored teens with iPhones. Whatcha gonna do?)
But this? This I can get behind:
Click to view
It showed up on Guy Norman Bee's twitter page.
Guess who's idea it was.
Hint: His initials are Jensen Ackles.
ETA: From Guy Bee's twitter:
Winchester Bros @WinchesterBros
Supernatural Harlem Shake! …
Guy Norman Bee @guynormanbee
Worth the wait or what?!?! “@WinchesterBros: Supernatural Harlem Shake!
Guy Norman Bee @guynormanbee
@WinchesterBros The shocker... It was 100% Jensen's idea! #truestory.
Winchester Bros @WinchesterBros
@guynormanbee no way!! We totally thought he was bribed into it! Hat tip to Mr. Ackles.
Guy Norman Bee @guynormanbee
@WinchesterBros Not even... He showed me samples of others and we agreed that day we had all the elements to do it!