Well, that felt kind of flat.
Here's the hodge-podge of my reactions:
It started out with such potential. John Doe, who's had his innards plucked out by a bird of prey, gets up and walks away from an accident. When the guys show up, the local law enforcement believes in zombies. Bwah!
Then while Dean was declaring that he had wanted to kill some zombies, the body gets up and walks away. Geo and I loled at that.
I liked Prometheus. In fact, I liked everything, up until they took these random strangers to the Lair. WT??? (And if they're going to take random people to the lair, why not relocate Kevin? Stash him in his own room, declare that he doesn't want any interruptions, he'll come out when he's ready, and be done with it. Of course, you can't tell Mama Tran. Because, secret. Woman who hires witches from Craig's List, no way she needs to know about the Lair.) Guys. The more people know about your secret lair, the less likely it's going to be kept a secret. That's what makes it secret, you know?
Loved Dean with his morning coffee in his bathrobe. He loves his plush bathrobe. Hee!
And of course he knows Sam isn't telling him the truth. Sam, not only are you acting cagey, but this is your behavior pattern. Lie to Dean when something is seriously wrong, act cagey about it (you really think Dean is buying your tissue of lies for a nano-second?), and then wait for it to come back and gnaw your legs off.
I also liked that Dean included himself as a MoL legacy. :-) The fact that Prometheus and Sam didn't know what to do with that information . . . well, that's their problem.
As for the chick? I totally expected her to be Artemis or someone else in disguise. She was acting way too suspicious during their time in the Lair. (Another reason that "secret" needs to be kept, you know, secret.)
Sam told Dean that Dean is a "genius" when it comes to lore. Problem: This is the second episode in a row right after that declaration that all the lore exposition has been handed to Sam. Writers? What exactly do you talk about in the writer's room? Because either Sam doesn't believe what he told Dean, or you don't believe what he told Dean. And since Sam only says what you tell him to say, I'm thinking you all have incredibly faulty memories.
Also problematic: This is the second ep in a row, and at least the third this season, where the guest character got the major kill. What's up with that? I mean, Sam and Dean have killed pagan gods before. Dean has also killed an angel, the mother of all monsters, and the chief leviathan, and he's bound Death (not necessarily his brightest move, but he's done it). So what's up with handing the kills to guest characters? Seriously?
When Zeus showed up, the first thing I said was, "That's not Anthony Quinn." He bore a little resemblance to Robert Doltrice, another good Zeus, but . . . I don't know. Something didn't quite click for me.
Dean still connects with kids, though, or shows ready concern.
But what happened to all the weaponry in his room?
Dean's prayer at the end. Sam's starting to think he might not make it through the trials, and Dean issues a heart-felt prayer to Castiel. Dean also is still of the mind that the trials were supposed to be his. I'm thinking (hoping) that in the end, they will be.
Either that, or one of the trials for Sam is going to be to sacrifice the one person in the world he's the closest to, so the trials will not be complete.
Or something.
Anyway . . .
The ep had some moments, but overall, felt kind of flat, yeah?
Three weeks until the next ep. Bleh.