SPN - 8.07

Nov 14, 2012 22:30

Not quite sure what to do with this.

Don't quite know what to do with purely comedic characters being regular recurrings.

Really don't know what to make of Amanda Tapping's character and situation. "Help the Winchesters." Yeah, once upon a time, I would have taken that as a good thing. But this whole debriefing followed by a memory wipe? Um, no. Though she might find her plans a bit derailed, since Cas actually does know what it's like to be part of Team Free Will.

Also, when she asked Cas, "Do you know where you are?" I wanted to say, "On a pyramid spaceship, of course."

I must say, seeing Cas show up in the window was a bit disconcerting. I suspect it would be both heartening and creepy to see that out your window.

And Sam? I appreciate your Winchester-esque attempt to be supportive of Dean.

Ha! I knew it! I knew it was Cas's plan all along to push Dean through while staying behind. I just didn't figure his reasoning. Kind of refreshing that they used Purgatory in the manner it's described in lore--for penitence.

It was also nice to see shades of Original Cas, with the searching of Dean's emotions with genuine interest and compassion ("You think this is your fault?" Well, duh, Cas. Of course he does. How long have you known him?), and the bright glaring angel power. That was quite wonderful.

And Chuck got a mention. Interesting that they don't quite know what to do with him, since Kripke backpedaled on who exactly Chuck was. Still, we know he's not dead, so it sounds like they might be opening something up to bring him back.

And with next week's ep, Geo asked, "Trickster?" So maybe they're working a way to bring Richard Speight back, if not Gabe specifically.

But I digress.

Thank you, Cas, for setting (or trying to set) Dean straight. Not everything that goes wrong his Dean's fault, and he needs to know that. Even though he is holding on to the S2 mindset that he lets everyone he cares about down. Oh, Dean.

Perhaps more thoughts upon re-watch.

s8, review, spn

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