Last year, George started digging out a space for a patio. Motivation was hard, though, and we've had a hole in the yard for almost a year.
Then this past week, friends from our Life Group joined forces and helped him build the patio. It was almost done when he met me in WV to bring me home from a week in Ohio.
When we got home, he took me out back to show me the progress, and . . .
It was finished. Done. With a pot of mums and a b-day card for George.
We are going to christen the patio with George's 50th b-day this weekend. Woohoo!
(Now it just needs tiki lights and a fire pit. *nods*)
Me spinning with delight on the the new patio:
Now I can have pots of herbs on the patio, and a patio peach tree. Whee!