Merry Christmas!

Dec 25, 2007 17:20

“Do not be afraid; for see--I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord."

"Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors."

Merry Christmas to all!

Yesterday Geo and I had a late lunch/early supper with one of his co-workers and her husband. This couple was a regular part of our Dr. Who geek nights. He is a fantastic cook, and we had quite the German meal: pinkelwurst, kale, red cabbage, ham, and German Christmas wine (a red spiced wine). It was all very numlicious.

Afterward, Geo and I went to a Lutheran Christmas Eve service. It was a full church service, with offertory and communion and the children's sermon and the regular sermon. And the pastor would have made a great Southern Baptist preacher--very lively and energetic. The sermon wasn't a traditionally "Christmas" message, but I think it had some stuff I probably needed to hear. And at the end, we lit candles and went to stand out on the sidewalk to sing Silent Night.

In a lot of ways the service reminded me of the Catholic services I attended in college with a friend. Depending on the synod, some Lutherans still hold very closely to the Catholic format, I guess.

Today was a very good day as well. Christmas morning, no real pressure to be anywhere or do anything. I totally skipped on the "girly" presents this year; no jewelry or perfume or the like. Geo gave me an iPod Nano (who knew you could have an iPod "engraved"!) and a mag light, and izhilzha sent me a Season 1 companion book to SPN.

We had the couple with whom we visited yesterday over for luncheon today, so I spent part of the late morning/early afternoon in the kitchen. It wasn't bad at all. I baked the apple pie (my first apple pie ever!) yesterday, so today was just putting together a couple dishes and making sure everything timed out well. And I think I've won these people over to hot spiced mead. Very tasty stuff.

Oh! And we saw a buck in the pasture across the road, a big one. The weather here is very mild at the moment, and it was a beautiful clear day.

sarah, virginia, church, spn, gifts, christmas

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