Fundraising suggestions?

Apr 27, 2012 15:37

As many of you know, Geo and I are in the process of waiting for an adoption placement. We've completed all our paperwork and approvals, and our profile is in circulation. We've been put in touch with a couple of birth mothers at different times (one privately, one through the agency), but neither of these instances have resulted in a placement. Each instance has been both hopeful and stressful in its own way, and this most recent near-placement knocked us for a loop when it didn't happen (though I think in the back of my mind, I knew it wouldn't). Still, each has been a learning experience, and I've come away with a better sense of myself in some regards. We are once again playing the waiting game, and trying to make good use of this time.

And we've received a lot of support from friends both RL and on-line through this stressful time.

One step that we are working toward completing is raising the funds to complete the placement when the time comes. We're seeking out financial aid, applying for grants, looking into refinancing, but we're also trying to think of more immediate and creative ways to build our financial reserves to cover this cost.

I'm wondering if you my f-list might have any ideas. A couple of friends have suggested spaghetti or progressive dinners to collect donations, and I've been thinking about opening an etsy shop for my crochet. I'd love to put it out there that I'd bake cakes or cupcakes for birthday parties for friends. Monetary gifts for holidays and birthdays go to the adoption fund, but fundraising has never been something I've been particularly successful with.

So, any thoughts or suggestions? I know fandom is awesome in pulling together for whatever cause, so I thought you might have some ideas that haven't occurred to me yet.

This is why I have yet to post a long-n-rambly about the most recent SPN episode; my mind simply hasn't been on it, and my attention has been elsewhere. I might get a "highlights" post done before tonight's ep, but it seems that "Of Grave Importance" has pretty much been talked out. (One of the biggest highlights? The brightly lit scenes wherein I can fully appreciate Jensen's fineness.)

Rumor has it there's a convention in Rome this weekend, though. :-)

It's a beautiful day. The sun is out, the irises are gorgeous, and there's a new ep tonight.

f-list, request, bebe, life, adoption, $$$

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