Memed from
tahirire Tell me you want to play and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. Then update your journal and answer the following questions:
1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
1. Short answer: Boredom.
Long answer:
My personal life and my fandom life with Hercules are two separate but parallel roads. Back in January 1995, iirc (within days of George's marriage proposal), I came down with the Worst Sinus Infection In the History of Ever. I spent one weekend on the couch, unable to breathe (ergo, unable to sleep), unable to engage in much of anything, and as I was channel surfing, there was only one channel that had a narrative program on. (Inexplicably, everything else was sports.) I spent six hours watching cheesy made for TV "Action Pack" movies about Hercules. Afterwards, I was amazed that I'd just spent hours wasting my time watching such cheese.
Flash forward a few months. George and I are now married, and while watching TV, we come across this delightfully fun interpretation of Hercules. "Wait," says I. "I've seen this before."
Well, it and its spin-off soon became a staple of our TV viewing. So much so that when we couldn't get good reception, we'd go out to my mom and dad's for dinner and watch at their house.
I became quite taken with Michael Hurst, the theatrically trained actor who played Herc's sidekick, Iolaus. (I tend to gravitate toward sidekicks, but that's a whole 'nother post.)
At this time, I was in a job that placed me in an office on a floor by myself, with no contact with others except the internet. I started investigating Michael Hurst on-line and eventually hooked up with the Iolausian Mailing List (IML), where there was much discussion of the show, the character, the actor. And fanfic.
H:TLJ was my first involvement in on-line fandom.
2. I am what
Izhilzha calls fandom monogamous. I only get involved with one fandom at a time. As a result, I am not still involved in this fandom, and haven't been for many years.
3. Fave eps? Well, off the top of my head, anything Iolaus-centric. That goes without saying. Of titles from the top of my head, ". . . And Fancy Free," and "Yes, Virginia, There Is a Hercules." Neither of those eps are Iolaus-centric specifically, but Michael just shines in those eps. I especially enjoy Edith Sidebottom's portrayal of the Widow Twanky in ...AFF, and her hilarious flirtations with Hercules. (I knew the actor seemed familiar, but it took George's prodding for me to put things together. They had way too much fun with that ep.) Also a grand ep: Pride Comes Before a Brawl.
4. Did I participate in this fandom? What a silly question. My first real, 'Net-published fic was in this fandom. Written as a script, I even had someone ask if I wrote professionally.
I took part in conversations, analyses, mailing lists. My first RL contact with on-line peeps was thanks to the Iolausians.
My first Creations convention--my first fandom convention, period--was a trip to Valley Forge, PA, to a small con at which Michael was appearing.
Oh, yes, I participated in this fandom.
5. Should more people get involved with this fandom? Of course. It's a fun, campy show and boasts one of New Zealand's foremost actors.
Oh, N3, how I love thee. There's not enough space to talk about how cool this show was, the awesome supporting cast, the fantastic guest stars. The family, the drama, the actors, the characters . . . It's just awesome.
1. How did I get involved? I saw a promo for the show. Crime drama featuring two brothers, one FBI agent, one math genius, using math to solve crime. What's not to love?
This show then led to my thespic infatuation with Rob Morrow and my discovery of his independent movies and re-discovery of Northern Exposure. It was about this time that I joined LJ, so you can go back to some of my really early entries and read about it.
2. As I said above, fandom monogamous. I was quite happy hanging out with the Brothers Eppes in L.A. when these two guys in a black Impala drove up, coaxed me into the back seat, and just took off. I tried to resist, truly I did. But . . . well . . . obviously I was outmatched.
3. Fave eps? Um . . . so many good eps. Anything Don-centric.
Uncertainty Principle.
Hot Shot.
Janus List sent me into fits going into the S3-S4 hiatus. I think it was the first time I actually experienced what I call the "Hoban Washburn Effect." I was prepared to lose everyone except Don and Charlie, Alan, and David. Everyone else, I was prepared for collateral damage.
Man, I really need to pull out my DVDs and watch the show again.
4. My fandom involvement was minimal. I wrote fic (some of my best work was in this fandom), but I didn't take part in the larger fandom. Mostly it was Izhi and me having Tea and Squee after the ep aired on the West Coast. I'd call her after the East Coast airing and babble at her about things I couldn't tell her without spoiling her. Then she'd call me up after the ep had aired (about 2am my time), I'd fix myself some tea, and we'd squee about the ep. At one point, we strongly suspected that the writers had our phoneline tapped because we'd talk about a plot development, and then bam, there it would be on the show.
5. Yes, more people should discover this fantastic show. 'Nough said.
1. I was minding my own business, spending my time joyfully with Eppes brothers, when this black Impala pulled up, and this guy in a leather jacket invited me for a ride.
But seriously. It was a threefold strategy, the perfect storm of introduction, enabling, and enchantment.
izhilzha introduced me, Geo enabled me, Jensen enchanted me.
I've written about this before, but the short version is this: In October 2007, Izhi introduced me to SPN. I thought, cool. Now I'll know who she's talking about when she talks about Sam and Dean. I was prepared to leave it at that. But between the Impala, the weapons cache, and the classic rock soundtrack, my husband said, "We have to get these DVDs." At that point, I knew I was a goner. By "Dead in the Water," Jensen had become more than just a pretty face. I thought, "Hey, this guy can act."
We burned through S1 and S2 on DVD and the first half of S3 on iTunes in about a month. AVSC was the first ep we watched "live."
It was when fic plots started sneaking up on me that I knew I was in trouble and the Eppeses would be losing me. I tried to resist. Truly I did. But it was no good.
However, I did not get involved in the fandom right away. Not until I was caught up with the show. I had the immense pleasure of watching the first 2.5 seasons totally unspoiled. (I won't even get into the panic I felt watching Crossroad Blues that Dean would even *consider* making a demon deal. And then Sam died, and he DID and . . . and . . . *hyperventilate*.)
2. I will probably move on when the show completes its run. I can't really see something else capturing me quite like this, unless it's Jensen's next project.
3. Fave eps? Are you serious? Seriously?
Lazarus Rising
Hell House
Anything Dean-centric
How about you name an ep, and I'll give you an "Oh, that's a good one!"
4. That would be a yes.
Fandom and I have . . . not a "love/hate" relationship. More like a "push-me/pull-you" relationship. Fandom can drive me up a friggin' wall, but I can't seem to extricate myself completely.
5. I don't know if I can really answer that. It's got a nice, long run going, and new people seem to be discovering it all the time thanks to TNT and Netflix. I'm not usually one to try to pull someone into a fandom. But if someone asks me about it, I'll be glad to show them one or two of my favorite stand-alones. You know. Just to whet their appetite. ;-)