Spring has sprung. The trees are budding--beautiful pinks and whites. The forsythia are amazingly golden. Our daffodils are in bloom. Spring and autumn have such amazing color here. We've opened the windows to breezes through the house. We've got a chipmunk or two that uses our back porch as a shortcut. It's just amazingly contenting to find a comfortable spot in the house and just be.
I'm directing the Good Friday play again this year. It's much more low-key than last year's production, which is good, because I've been having a very difficult time securing a cast. I hope I have on in place now that I can count on. I've also been working on my monologue the past couple of nights, and it's not quite as seamless as the robe I talk about. I really do need to beat it out and get a better grasp on the flow and how to highlight the metaphors. (And of course in the back of my mind is, "If Jensen can do it, I can do it.")
I'm going to DC tonight with a local drama reviewer. She has an extra ticket to a show, and she offered it to me. Free ticket, transportation, press night, and noshes. Why not?
St. Patrick's Day event on Saturday. The Toad Mamas, a contra band (are they illegal?) and dancing. Irish and American folk, reels and squares, etc. Should be a really great time. And if Geo likes it, maybe we can track down more such events in the area. ('Cause y'all know how I love to dance.)
Also, I've lost a couple of pounds recently, so yay!