Finally, I can catch up on some stuff without having to sit in our uncomfy computer chair (we definitely need a new one).
Last Friday (Dec. 2) I worked a really weird schedule. Fridays are usually a day off for me, but Saturday we had an event, so I went into the office on Friday morning, then I had a meeting in the late afternoon. So I came home to try to catch a nap.
But when I went into the dining room, I discovered that our Great Calico Hunter was working pest control--I found a snake lying belly-up on the dining room floor. I was, you might say, a little freaked. You see, we've had baby copperheads get caught on cricket traps in the basement, so that was my first thought. I did not want this snake in my house, let alone in my dining room. But it was belly-up and not moving, and I was the only one at home to dispatch it, so . . . yeah. The cat was doing her job, yay, but snake in the dining room, not yay. (Also, copperhead?)
I nudged it with my foot, and it didn't appear to move, so I figured at least it is dead. Went outside to get a stick to try to scoop it up and toss it outside. Problem being 1) Kitty thought the stick (or the snake?) was fun to play with; and 2) the snake moved when I touched it. It kinda tried to curl up, and it opened its tiny mouth (no teeth, so yay). This freaked me out another notch.
My next solution was to find a container and try to scoop it up. I called George at work while I was at it and asked him to come home on his lunch hour. I told him my plan, and he told me to get some gloves. Which I did.
The snake was either in shock or dormant or both, because it didn't react much when I scooped it into a container. I then took it outside and deposited it beside a tree. It didn't move a whole lot, other than opening its mouth again. I dumped it on its belly so I could see what it looked like, and it was black with green stripes running lengthwise. Back home in Ohio, I would have identified it as a garter snake (harmless, good to have around, though very startling when not expected. I leave them alone; they leave me alone. However, they are not paying the mortgage, so I do not want them in my house). Around here, I don't know.
When George arrived, I took him out to see it. It had not moved, and he picked it up by the tail. It didn't react, so we believe it was dead. He confirmed that it looked like a garter snake.
So not something I want in my house.
Saturday (Dec. 3) was a busy, busy day. Fundraiser for the theater. Concert and dance. The group was a cover band who does '60s and '70s (and a little '80s) music. A lot of the time, it almost felt like I was listening to the SPN soundtracks I created. I think Dean would have liked the event.