. . . while you're making other plans.
1. The dinner theater for which George and I were to perform in a scene has been cancelled due to lack of interest. Or rather, it's been "postponed." I could go into the reasons, but it wouldn't be productive here. Suffice to say poor planning on the part of those who booked us to perform.
2. Our being postponed made the front page of the paper, complete with photos from dress rehearsal. The truly annoying thing? The reporter/paper spelled my name wrong. Twice. Why, oh WHY can't people spell my name? Probably because they don't pronounce my name right either. There is no long "E" sound in my name. It rhymes with "Morticia." Or "Patricia." It is spelled like it sounds. (Now, it is true that some bearers of the name do pronounce it with a long "E" sound. I am not one of them. I pronounce it the way it is spelled. See previous "rhymes with" examples. However, I don't mind the long "E" if you're pronouncing it in a European/Latin language. That's where the name originated, after all, and according to the rules of Romance languages, it's . . . pronounced the way it's spelled.)
Anyway, it annoys me when people can't take the time to confirm the spelling of my name. Particularly when it's on the front page of the local paper.
3. Since the show has been cancelled/postponed, Geo and I can go to Our Town rehearsal tonight. I can also focus on the one play, which is a good thing.
4. I wish we had access to a reasonably priced swimming pool.
5. Geo and I are going to get started on our paperwork today.
6. Fandom is making me tired. It seems that most of what I'm reading is lamenting or complaining about the show, and how it's not what it used to be, etc., etc. You're right. It's not. Sequels--unless part of an over-reaching arc--rarely are what the first installment was. S6 was the beginning of the sequel. Same characters, different story. I feel like I'm the only one who sees it that way.
Anyway, it makes me tired. My squee has been trampled. I feel like I'm the only one who straight-up liked any part of the season, without putting the disclaimer regarding the quality of the writing. Oh, I know there are others who liked it (just as I know the season had its problems), but they seem to be in the minority. It's sometimes hard to hear them over the fretting.
Or it could be the meds talking. (See #7)
7. I'm back on the cycle of meds that wipes. me. out. and makes me have weird, weird dreams. For example,
saberivojo, I dreamed that I was studying to be a nurse, and I could not for the life of me figure out why, because I'm so not cut out to be a nurse. Also, in my dreamscape I had the brilliant idea of asking if
tahirire could create a Dalek evening gown from a design that a geek friend and I came up with, from the House of Dalek. (Tahirire, if you're interested in giving it a shot, give me a holler.)
8. If anyone has any suggestions on a photo-hosting sight, let me know. I've been thinking about setting up a Flicker or PhotoBucket account, but just haven't gotten around to making a choice. Or is there something better out there?
9. Today is my dad's b-day. Happy B-day, Daddy!
10. I guess that's about it for now. Got some required reading to do today for the adoption. The book is called Adopted for Life,, and I might write a review of it for my Christian f-listies. (The book is intended for a Christian audience, regarding the theology/doctrine of adoption, though the non-Christian f-listies might find it interesting as well.) Also need to start on the mountain of paperwork. And start looking into financing.