Do you recognize the eyes? Because we didn't go to the costume party this year, I didn't costume. Which is kind of okay because the ideas I had would have taken several months at least to put together (and would need the acquisition of appropriate props. I wanted us to go as Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett. The other was hunters, which would also have required appropriate props. Plus only the cool kids would have gotten it).
One late costume suggestion I made for Geo and myself was going as simple sheet ghosts (or if you wanted to go as Charlie Brown, cut a lot of holes in the sheet). The dude in the above picture has the right idea. Simple. Easy. No muss, no fuss.
Actually, it reminds me of a costume my mom used to scare the livin' daylights out of me when I was a kid. I didn't know it was her, and she just sort of stood there, just outside the glow of the bonfire. Scared me silly, it did.
But it's to bed for me now.
Happy All Hallow's Eve, all.