How very sad.

Mar 10, 2010 15:50

I wasn't particularly a fan of Corey Haim, but he was one of those teen faces from my high school years. Once someone (my mom, I think) convinced me to watch The Lost Boys, I really liked that movie, and Corey Haim's friendship with Corey Feldman just . . . kind of absorbed its way into my consciousness, I guess. Seeing how the two boys turned out, it's quite opposite to the characters I remember them playing.

And as I was reading various things about "the Coreys"'s friendship today, I couldn't help but think of "the Js." A few parallels, yeah? The idea that in RL, each is kind of the opposite of the character they portray? That they have been fast friends for a long time and have worked a lot together? Not the part where one of them has a drug problem. Both Js seem too well-adjusted. But still. The nature of friendships, yeah?

Also, if you haven't seen The Lost Boys and you enjoy SPN, go rent Lost Boys post haste. The similarities are uncanny. Brothers (the younger one is even named Sam) with a missing parent (in this case, dad) are relocated by their mom to live with their grandfather (read: Uncle Bobby) in California. Grandpa owns a classic car that the brothers borrow. The soundtrack is good, solid (80s) rock. Excellent use of a Doors cover. Weird things start to happen. Monsters who don't want to be monsters. Other monsters who are trying to bring the brothers into the clique. A very young Keiffer Sutherland.

In short, excellent popcorn fare.

It seems like a lot of the celebs I grew up with are dying, too young and of unnatural causes. It's . . . sad and depressing.

depression, life

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