The Year in Review

Dec 30, 2009 17:18

Looking back over the past 12 months, the year has been . . . odd. The first half of the year was . . . okay. Not stellar by any means. Not even good. And it most assuredly had its low points. But I had more of a sense of optimism, I think, going into 2009 than I do right now, going into 2010. Or, if not optimism, I was at least making plans and setting goals.

Then somewhere mid-year, everything just went meh. We didn't go away for any kind of summer vacation, and the rest of the autumn just kind of came and went. And the project I work for started coming under fire and opposition by a few very vocal people in the community, and now, the long-term future of my employment is in question (but my boss tells me not to worry my pretty head about that *smirk*). It sounds like I'll be employed at least until June. After that, we shall see.

Both my Michigan aunt and Michigan uncle passed away this year. Two trips to Michigan for two different funerals in the space of four months.

Quite a few celebs from my growing-up and coming-of-age years died, too.

I turned a significant age on the calendar this year (those who have been paying attention know what that number is). It was a good celebration, though, once the weather let up.

The fertility specialist told us he's done all he can without going into the very expensive, low-ish percentage of success procedures.

Most of the higher points revolve around family. NieceB's wedding, Geo's #1Sis and her fam (including the nephews) coming for a visit, Li'l Bro coming for a visit, a trip to Springfield wherein I didn't have to be anywhere or do anything. And going to visit Li'l Bro and SiL is always fun.

I played Mary Magdalene in our church Easter drama, which was good, though it left me craving more.

And I was finally referred to an endocrinologist, which is for yay. The difficult part is that he's still running the same scans as the fertility specialist, and that depresses me. But I finally had someone tell me the specifics of a proper diabetic diet so that I can avoid getting the disease and help treat the condition that I do have.

Fannishly speaking, the Brothers Winchester continued to monopolize my time (read: eat my brain), as did the actors who play them.

New grocery store! \o/ Seriously, this was one of the highlights of the year.

After close to 2 years, Geo is finishing up the master bathroom, and it looks pretty darn spectacular.

The recent snowfall was beautiful and delightful. Christmas was quietly pleasant.

Hidden treasure: We discovered that we have a tiny little post office up the road from us. Much easier to get to than the one downtown, and not nearly the wait.

But here's hoping 2010 looks up.

Last year I set some goals for myself. I was only moderately successful in achieving them.

Read a book a month. I failed dismally at this one. I did read The Time Traveler's Wife, but all other attempts at reading books fell flat. Must make more of an effort in the new year.

Develop a new skill set. I taught myself how to crochet, and I completed several projects. \o/ D'oh! Including one I finished today that I didn't get a picture of before I gave it away. Hm . . . Anyway, you can see what I completed this year, here. This year I shall try to make a point of completing a Dean!gurumi and Sammy!gurumi.

Lose approximately 25 lbs. Partially successful. I've lost about 10 lbs. this year, kick-started by resuming to take glucophage for my condition. It put me on the edge of queasy for several weeks, which, you know, makes for not wanting to eat, and thus, losing weight. The diabetic class I took last autumn also helped in this regard, in that I now know what a proper carb intake looks like.

Improve my faith life. I've made a little progress here, in that we're attending a church regularly (rather than church shopping anymore), and my Sunday school class did an intense Bible study called "Breaking Free." Our Bible studies are good. But I need to make it part of my everyday life.

Work on my short story. Fail, fail, fail. I didn't even touch it this year. *heavy sigh* I suppose part of my indifference is that I have no idea what to do with it once I finish it, so there's really no pressure there. However, I might consider sharing it in locked posts of any of my f-listies would like to encourage me and/or hold me accountable. (Suggestions on what to do with it once it's done would be welcome, too.)

I really haven't thought of any new goals to set for the upcoming year, though I can think of one or two personal goals I should make for myself.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. Here's hoping 2010 will be a vast improvement over the year gone by.

ponderings, rambly, goals, new year

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