And so, since pie is a common point of interest in both the NX Cookbook and SPN, I thought I'd post some items of interest from the book regarding pie. (Page 108)
Holling on Cream Pies
I suppose they're rather silly. You think of pie, you think of some dense, gooey suspension of apples or blueberries or cherries--mainly fruit. These are sort of mainly nothing--air, really, with some light whipped stuff around it. But I've developed a taste for these things, and the customers seem to like them, too.
A person might ask, well, did your taste for this kind of dessert coincide with your relationship with Shelly? And the answer is, well, yes.
What you have to remember is, ever since my involvement with Shellyl, I have been a happy man. And a happy man is a cream pie man.
Maurice on Cream Pies
They're damned silly. A pie should have some heft, some meat, give you something to sink your teth into. And you should be able to heat it up, maybe flip a dollop of ice cream on if you're feeling expansive. But you go to The Brick lately, all you see are these chiffon-meringue creations. That's not pie. That's a mirage of pie.
If I were some other man, I would attribute the downward slide of The Brick's dessert menu to the relationship between Holling and Shelly. But I have too much history, too big a vested interest, in that story to even pretend to be objective. So I'll kepp my mouth shut and make my own pies at home.
Shelly on Cream Pies
They're beyond silly, which is why I like them. Besides, you want a treat, you want that bliss-blast of sugar, right? But you don't want it sitting in your gut like a lump of cement, waiting to flab out your thighs. These pies make me at least think I'm getting away with something.
Dieting is psychological, anyway. Lots of people believe that you won't gain weight from food that no one sees you eat. Well, these pies are so light, it's easy to believe they won't make me a tubbo either. So far, so good--at least, I think so. Usually.
And as a bonus,
Adam on Salad Dressing (page 41)
It's called "dressing," all right? Not "swaddling," not "suffocating." You dress the ingredients the way you dress your self: just enough but not too much. To flatter. Not to conceal or drown. You're not making an ice cream sundae. WHY do I have to say this? If you don't--never mind.
Honestly, NX cracks me up. Maybe I'll pull out some of those over hiatus. Also, someone once wrote a NX/SPN x-over of sorts. I have no idea where I misplaced that link.
Off to bake a pie. And make my own crust this time. Wish me luck.