I've been on the elliptical machine for the prescribed 45 minutes per day both yesterday and today. We shall see if I can keep it up (I know I can; I've done it before) when I start back to work on Monday.
I've not yet started to develop that new skill set yet. To this end, might I ask all my icon-making f-listies what program you prefer to work in when doing your icons?
izhilzha's recommendation and
kalquessa's insistence, I got The Time Traveler's Wife from the library. It is one freakin' huge book (says the gal who likes to be able to finish what she starts in a couple of days). And it's making my brain hurt. But it's fun. And I like how they arbitrarily dismiss the idea of alternate universes and changed histories and such. And how you can meet yourself in the past or future without the universe imploding.
Also, I will point out (so that anyone interested can harass--erm, encourage--her) that my first intro to this book was in beta-ing a crossover between TTW and SPN that
kalquessa is working on. Knowing nothing about TTW when I went in, the story reads and explains itself very well indeed. So you won't need to worry if you're not familiar, and it's a lot of fun.
In lieu of a better plan, I've been reading a chapter a day in my Bible. At this rate, it will take four years to get through the entire thing (an average of 4 chapters a day will get you through in one year), but I'm trying to take the time to savor and ponder and read the study notes and such.
Got a call from my mom, and I talked to Cousin SJ1 today. Aunt J2 has gone quite downhill since we saw her last week. She's on a morphine drip now, and the fam in the know don't expect her to last much longer than the coming week. If you're the praying type, prayers would be appreciated.
In other news, I miss having a SPN calendar next to the big computer.