Merry Christmas!

Dec 25, 2008 17:54

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this. ~Isaiah 9:6-7

Last night we went to the Christmas Eve service at the church we've been attending. What a change from last year, when we had no idea until that day where or how we would be spending Christmas Eve night. It was, of course, different from what I'm used to at home, and I still miss my home church, but it was nice to be in a church where I recognized at least one person, and she recognized me. After the service, Geo and I went out to eat at a close-by Indian restaurant. Yummy!

I was up very early this morning and just sort of puttered around, surfed the 'Net, read a bit of fic, etc. until Geo was up for presents. He totally surprised me this year with an iolite ring that I've had my eye on since I worked at the pawn shop back in Ohio. He got in touch with Pawn Broker Friend, whose manager knew exactly which ring it was (it's been sitting in the case since Friend opened the store). And the card Geo gave me brought tears to my eyes.

My gift to him was a couple of DVDs he said he wanted (he's watching Vampyre right now), and a chocolate orange (which really surprised him because he didn't think I'd give it up so easily--it was kind of hard to come by this time of year). Since we wouldn't be seeing the fam, my mom and dad sent our gifts, so we had those to open, too.

Geo's co-worker friend and her husband, whom we spent Christmas with last year, came over for lunch. He's of German heritage, so he brought pinklewurst and kale and a positively delicious German holiday wine. Yum! I made the rest of the meal, and we had my mom's homemade cookies for dessert.

Tonight I think we shall watch a couple Christmas DVDs, and possibly the SPN Christmas ep if Geo is agreeable.

All in all, I'm feeling better this year than I did this time last year. I'm actually kind of looking forward to my b-day in a month, too, which I wasn't sure how I'd feel about.

Oh, and I talked to Aunt J2. She sounds tired, but otherwise she sounds okay. And the report is that the roads are clear. And I have my new Blue Tooth, so I can call izhilzha and kalquessa while I'm on the road.

geo, gifts, christmas, life

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