Fic: What Lay Onward and What Behind, Chapters 1 & 2

May 20, 2015 00:04

Because I really, really wanted to contribute more to seasonal-spuffy, I started a new WIP for the last open posting day.

Title: What Lay Onward and What Behind
Continuity: Set a decade after "Chosen"
Pairings: Buffy/Other, Buffy/Spike
Rating: R (for Chapters 1 & 2)

Chapter 1. Length: 3400 Words. "Buffy, will you marry me?"...
Chapter 2. Length: 2700 Words. The next morning she woke up, dreams fleeting...

what lay onward and what behind, btvs, willow, buffy/spike, original character, spuffy, buffy, rating: r, ficlicious, btvs post-series, comm: seasonal-spuffy

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