A prompt for summer of giles?

Jun 30, 2015 23:44

Once again, time has crept up on me and I just realized with total shock that the open posting day at summer_of_giles that I thought was far, far away in July is tomorrow. (And of course there are only 30 days in June, and not 31! Gah ( Read more... )

giles, ask my flist, writing, spare me a prompt please

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Comments 11

rbfvid July 1 2015, 07:00:10 UTC
How did Giles rehearse guitar with Spike around?
Or you could do series of drabbles of "What if Giles was a watcher of different Slayer?" Like, Giles & Faith, Giles & Kendra, Giles & Dana, Giles & Harmony... (what?)


feliciacraft July 1 2015, 07:07:13 UTC
Oooh, interesting!

A few weeks ago I wrote a drabble about Giles guitar-shopping, so practice is definitely next. Watcher of a different slayer--oh how clever! I'll have to think about that. Very good opportunity for a Giles character study. Thank you!


rbfvid July 1 2015, 09:41:25 UTC
I think your Giles/guiter fic was exactly the one that gave me this idea. Just imagine Giles protecting his pure innocent love from the evil undead =)


velvetwhip July 1 2015, 07:15:05 UTC
How about Giles and Joyce's first meeting after the infamous events of Band Candy?



feliciacraft July 1 2015, 07:20:19 UTC
LOL! Yeah, let's see how much of a stiff upper lip he could maintain during that awkward meeting! Thanks. (Although I think I'd prefer to see how you'd write that, after reading your Joyce!) :)


velvetwhip July 1 2015, 07:26:35 UTC
A Fiesta of Awkward! (Thank you. But you're a true talent and I think you'd do Joyce proud.)



slaymesoftly July 1 2015, 16:49:55 UTC
I'm a big fan of Spike/Giles (reluctant) friendship - so anything that implies they are leaning in that direction, however reluctantly. Could be something they have in common from England? Sorry, not terribly helpful, is it?
ETA - I definitely second the meeting with Joyce after Band Candy! And the guitar thing...


feliciacraft July 1 2015, 20:43:56 UTC
I love Spike&Giles friendship too! (Well, pretty much Spike&Anyone friendship, but Giles takes the cake). In fact, I've written quite a bit of it in Chs. 5&6 of Edge of Sorrow. It's definitely good to know there's interest with their friendship pairing. I'm pretty sure I'll write more on it! :)


slaymesoftly July 1 2015, 21:10:31 UTC
Well, Day-um! I thought I was caught up on all the SS entries I wanted to catch up on. Apparently not. And now, having read these, I have to go back and read their predecessors, and then follow the story. Well done, BTW. A slight lack of trust, but building understanding on both sides. :)


feliciacraft July 1 2015, 21:58:50 UTC
Thank you! We had a wonderful Seasonal-Spuffy this round, didn't we?


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