The Digital Imprint of Our Lives

May 24, 2015 13:19

Bwaaah, I seem to be in a mood. Maybe it's because it's drizzling outside and cold on what is supposed to be the weekend that kicks off summer. But at least I end the post with a unicorn chaser (because it needs it--shut up ( Read more... )

why so serious, thoughtful or pointless or both, unicorn chasers, based on a true story of my life, social media

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slaymesoftly May 25 2015, 01:51:47 UTC
OMG those are cute kittens (not so sure about the dog with the binky....) LOL

I have yet to have this come up yet, with the exception of an LJ "friend" for whom I still get birthday reminders. *sigh* But I can't imagine getting frequent reminders about someone I know well and whose death was a problem for me. But it's probably unavoidable for anyone with much of an on-line presence.

My husband was talking about this sort of thing the other day and how FB allows you to name someone who can take over and close your account and so on. I think it's important, especially for those of us who write fanfic (vampire porn?) to have someone designated to do whatever it is you'd like to do with your stuff. LJ, DW, the archives, a website? Do you want it to vanish? Do you want it to remain out there? Who can or would handle it for you? Who would know to make your demise public? And so on.

My sympathy for the loss of your friend, as well as the reminders.


feliciacraft May 25 2015, 02:33:20 UTC
The puppy (a Westie?) with the pacifier tickled me silly. I had a hard time teaching both of my daughters to use a binky--neither was into it, which made bedtimes harder than with kids that'd use one to self-sooth. I can't get enough of teh kittehs, though. Brain turns to mush. Must haz moar!!1 ( ... )


slaymesoftly May 25 2015, 02:45:54 UTC
My kids had their thumbs or nothing. Nobody wanted binkies.

I have very little overlap - only one RL friend who knows who I am in fandom, and a few who know I write, but not where. But I also have several fandom friends who, through the years, have become RL friends and I would probably put them in charge of closing my accounts on LJ and DW and letting fandom know I was gone. Hubby is NOT encouraged to read my stuff, and to the best of my knowledge, he hasn't. If he asked to, I would very carefully select which ones he should read.... All he needs to know is who to contact. LOL I suppose I will need to make a "to be opened only in the event of my death" envelope with all the information he will need. :)


feliciacraft May 25 2015, 04:00:15 UTC
Glad to know it's not just mine who turned down binkies.

Ugh, you're right. Need to prepare an envelope with instructions ("what to do about my vampire porn works of transformative fiction"). That's a practical solution.

Out of curiosity, why wouldn't you encourage your husband to read your stuff? I mean, he must have *some* notion of what you've been writing already. I think I've read pretty much everything you're posted, and it's great stuff! :)


slaymesoftly May 25 2015, 14:06:17 UTC
LOL My hubby knows I can write. He's read most of my non-fiction stuff through the years. He's got no interest in Spike and Buffy (although he is quite fond of looking at Sarah and did watch episodes occasionally when he was here at the right time) nor in reading fiction of any type usually. But I see no need for him to read any of my smuttier stuff. I've got no interest in having to point out that I am NOT using Buffy live out my fantasies and NO, we are not going to try this at home. :)


feliciacraft May 25 2015, 23:14:33 UTC
> I've got no interest in having to point out that I am NOT using Buffy live out my fantasies and NO, we are not going to try this at home. :)


It didn't occur to me, for whatever reason, that a spouse reading one's explicit fanfic might get other ideas.

Well, all I can say is, it's better to have the chance to point out that it was NOT a form of using fictional characters to live out your RL fantasies, than to leave him guessing/wondering if it were.

If it comes to it, maybe something like "Always Wait For You", then? It's been a while, but I think that one was more family-oriented...


slaymesoftly May 25 2015, 23:26:34 UTC
Yep - either way, it's not something I want him wondering about. :) I do have some that would be fine if he had any interest in reading. Always Wait For You would be one of them, as would be many of my shorter stories. The I Know You verse? To Save a Lady? How Can Something so Hot...? Over my dead body. LOL


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