Source: NY1 News This story tickled me from when I'd first heard about it. I laughed at the possibility of the 15-year-old being made fun of in jail for getting his ass OWNED by a man who does nothing more than shut subway train doors on unsuspecting and unlucky passengers. Does that make me a horrible person? Maybe... but I'm still pointing and laughing at him anyway for being an idiot who thought he was so badass because he was hanging out with grown men. Grown men who were also complete idiots.
The part of this story that does irk me is at the end. "There is no word yet if the transit worker will face charges." What the high holy fuck? Even if the man that died was indeed an innocent, there's no way the train conductor was gonna think rationally enough during a life and death fight to differentiate to himself who will help or harm him. As far as I'm concerned, that man deserves some kind of recognition for his damn bravery...