I know I should be focusing on exams but Superatural's back!! :D
Supernatural 4x11
wow, what a scary episode.
I guess it didn't help that I watched it at midnight :P
when she crossed the salt line? dude I was freaking out.
It reminded me of The Ring (still haven't seen it but ya'll know the
whole coming out of the tv screen right?)
and then the brother? Cool twists.
Not a lot of funny bits, but then again it wasn't that kind of an episode.
Oh there was one, the "know-it-all" comment Dean made XD
and then the "People,man!"
the last scene, (DEAN DIDN'T EAT! ) kind of wished they had something else then them just standing
next to the car (although visually it looked awesome).
Just felt like it was the same as episode 10, only without the tears and amazing acting.
But then again Dean hurt people for pleasure? That was a cool thing to add.
Wonder how it will effect the finale episodes.
Kinda missing Ruby, really like her and Sam's scenes.
Also wanna see bad-ass Anna (I'm guessing she'll be back)
and our lovely Castiel of course.
Can't wait for next week, I don't watch promos so please no spoilers ;)
EDIT: I realised later I hadn't put this behind a cut. Hope no one got spoiled :(