Happy Easter my Lovelies!
-I haven't posted icons here for a while.
As you might already know I hate making them so that's why =P
-Only about 7 weeks to go until I have my exams, I haven't been revising because
I hate revising.
-Also I am desperate to find out whether I got in to my music academy ACM, their application
process is taking long because they had exams to review...SO WHAT! Listen to my demo already and
accept my ass!! <-- this is the kind of language I start to use when anxious/frustrated/annoyed =P
-as you already noticed I have a new layout, without a header because it doesn't want to align itself :/
I love this layout because I am obsessed with lime green! ^_^
Have a wonderful spring break (if you have that) and remember to love yourselves <3