Fic: Burn it Down (Dean/Cas) Part 2

Mar 11, 2013 20:31

Title: Burn it Down

Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Dean/Cas, past Dean/Alastair, mentioned Jimmy/Amelia, mentioned Emmanuel/Inias, Sam/Jess

Warnings: omega!verse, alternate universe, mentions of abuse (verbal, mental, sexual), physical assault, abandonment, dogsuit!dean, past non-con, dub-con, mentions of incest, mentions of forced pregnancy, alpha-beta dynamics, mpreg, knotting, mating/heat, forced birth, kidnapping, bonding
Summary: For dc_dystopia twisted fairy tales: Left abandoned by his family, Dean has had a hard life. Now, he finds himself falling for his employer, Castiel Novak. In turn, Castiel is drawn to the broken being and wishes to do all he can to fix Dean. Luckily, both may have the Profound Bond many wish for. Unluckily, Dean's family is not done with him yet... Based off the story "Catskin"

The house was huge. It was a mansion, with various levels and ways in and out. Dean bothered to learn only a few before staying in the garage with the chauffer, his family, and some of the staff that worked in the kitchens nearby.
Dean wasn’t sure what to think of the Novaks. He heard from the others that the Novaks were larger and important, had a lot of money, and that Castiel’s mom had come from a bad situation, so he and his siblings liked to work and make sure others weren’t hurt. Dean saw more people with the tag-scars from Farms, many wearing earrings or showing signs of having something healing them, and a few others that were quiet like he was, but had been hurt in other ways.
Cassie, a girl who helped in the kitchens, said that it was always like that with some of them. “We’re all hurting. Castiel gives us a chance to heal.”
Dean knew she liked him, but they didn’t quite work together. He got angry at her, and couldn’t figure out how to make that work. Also, the thought of being with her made something in him hurt, and so they stayed friends after that.
He fixed the cars, mostly maintaining them, and could go anywhere that the servants were allowed. A few took to calling him “Dog” instead of “Dean”, especially Gordon, and Dean was sure he didn’t like it at all.
He didn’t really like Gordon either. There was something about Gordon that reminded Dean of Alastair, and he hated that. The memories of his family leaving him, of Alastair taking him and…and what happened…haunted him almost nightly, though many were polite and didn’t say anything about it.
Dean had been there a bit when there was news of a planned ball or something. He wanted to look in - not join, but just look in. Gordon had laughed at him. Bela and Cassie had both glared at Gordon before Bela said, “I can get us in.”
“I don’t want to go in,” Dean protested, looking down at his grease-stained fingers and the dirty outfit he wore. It was the only one he had left, and for some reason he couldn’t bear to take it off. It was all he had left…of Dad, of Sammy… “I just wanna see it.”
Bela shrugged, “The only way to see it is to be there, Dean. I have some things that could make us look respectable.”
Dean frowned and looked back down at his hands as one of the others said, “It’s a masquerade, and a pretty poor one. Just show up with a mask on and hardly anyone will know who you are. I crashed one before. It was nice. Good food.”
Dean sighed as Bela smiled, obviously triumphant. They’d learned quickly that Dean would and did eat anything so long as it was edible and wouldn’t kill him. While Gordon and some others made fun of him for it, Bela and Cassie found they liked that aspect, as did a few others. Though Dean would and did work through meals, they also made sure he got something.
Also, Rufus, the Chauffer, had once caught him passed out because he’d been working too hard on the cars and forgotten to get something to eat or drink, and roundly chastised him before giving him some food and a day off. It had been one of the worst days of Dean’s life, and Rufus had taken it upon himself to show Dean how to relax a little.
“Well, then it’s settled. We just need to give you a deep clean, and you’ll be good.”
Dean looked away as something was set in front of him. He didn’t like the idea of Bela knowing…well, anything. He guessed she’d be watching to make sure he was clean, and that terrified him. The few times he’d been cleaned by others had been the day he’d failed his family, and the times Alastair wanted to make sure he wouldn’t die from what happened, or when he’d tried to drown him for being a bad dog…
The food didn’t taste that good as he ate, and even the added pie for dessert didn’t work to lighten his mood.


“What’s wrong?” Bela asked, standing in the bathroom and frowning at him.
“Just…I can do it on my own.”
Bela sighed. Dean was cute in the same way a kid in that suit would be cute, but he also was so much of a lost puppy that it just surprised them all at times. Rufus had told them about Dean’s work ethic and the attempt to give Dean a day off, which had ended badly. Dean had thought he was being punished, and it was only after a lengthy talk did Dean understand that he wasn’t being punished, but still never wanted a full day off again.
Like everyone else, little was known about Dean’s past. Scars could only tell so much, and the Farm-scars only said that a certain thing might have happened. Jimmy’s scars and story was different from the ones that other Beta males had, as Jimmy had been able to bred and bond with someone before they’d been separated, while others had been force-bred, something that left more scars.
Dean, though, was a rescue and no one was sure why he hadn’t changed clothing yet. His inability to see himself as anything BUT subservient was odd even for a Beta, and Bela guessed his sometimes dog-like behaviors, such as whimpering or leaving himself open to attacks, were not just because he was wearing that outfit.
“I don’t doubt that,” Bela said, “but we have a limited time and it’ll take less if we both wash. We’re both Betas. It won’t be a problem.”
Dean, as always, frowned at the term, and Bela was ready to open her robe and just push him in, but figured that it wouldn’t be a good idea. Some had a fear of water so great they’d only take a sponge-bath as necessary, and wouldn’t let anyone else touch them during that time. If Dean was like that…well, Bela didn’t think he was, but he was obviously shy about…something.
Bela sighed and touched the knot on her robe. She didn’t like it, but…well, maybe an exchange might help. “Dean, do you know who the Talbots are?”
Dean shook his head. Bela wasn’t surprised - Dean didn’t seem to grasp family names.
“They’re very influential, like the Novaks. I’m a Talbot.” Dean frowned, and Bela clarified, “I’m the child of one of the Alphas, so I took his name.” She didn’t want to say it, and had wanted to drop it quickly. So far she hadn’t found a good Alpha to drop it for. “My…my father was…not nice.” She let out a breath and said, “Don’t say anything to anyone, understand? I won’t if you won’t.”
Dean slowly nodded as Bela, taking in a breath, undid the robe and let it fall. Dean frowned, at the line and scars, but didn’t reach out to touch any. Bela knew what they looked like.
“D…I was bred. By my own dad. It…” she stopped, steeling herself. “It’s not a good thing.”
Dean slowly shook his head, slowly reaching out and touching her shoulder before swallowing. “I…so-someone hurt me. Badly. It’s…worse.”
She frowned but nodded, waiting as Dean shifting and finally moved to get out of the dog suit. She noticed first that his hair was dark blond, and cut short but had grown a bit unevenly. Then he moved the suit off his shoulders, and finally let it fall.
There was almost no spot on Dean’s torso and legs that wasn’t scarred in some way. Bela blinked, looking it over then moving her eyes to Dean’s face as quickly as she could. He looked…lost, sad, like he wasn’t sure what to do besides stand there and be seen. Bela swallowed and reached out to touch his shoulder, mirroring his own gesture of comfort from before.
“I won’t tell anyone, Dean. I promise I won’t hurt you. But it will take less time.”
He slowly nodded, and Bela managed a smile, which Dean returned after a moment. With that, Bela turned and started the shower, one of those that had multiple nozzles and could be programmed. It was originally for guests but none had arrived yet, or were staying in that room, so it was theirs for now.
Dean frowned at it as Bela got in with him, and jumped a bit at some of the spray. She’d set it for just one side of hot and laughed at his annoyed look before more started.
It did take less time, and soon Dean was cleaned up, his hair trimmed and styled up, and he was getting into the suit she’d picked out for him, a midnight-black suit with silver-star spots that illuminated like the night sky. It matched her own dress and she quickly did her hair and everything before waiting for Dean.
“Dean, come on, we’re going to be late!”
“D-don’t rush me!”
Bela sighed and looked away, then back up as Dean stepped out of the door, looking over at her and grinning. He was transformed, looking more like a prince from a fairy tale, and her silence made the smile falter. “What?”
“I never wanted to be an Alpha so badly until now.”
Dean frowned at that and Bela gave him a smile before handing over the domino mask. “Don’t worry, Dean. I’ll protect you.”


The masquerade had been Anna’s idea, and it was a nice one. Castiel danced with numerous Betas but didn’t find any that he’d like or that clicked with him. He thought of speaking to Dean again, but it was a bit improper for him to continually go to the garage, and it would put the others on edge. Castiel felt something, ever since Dean had looked at him and agreed to go with them, and subsequent reports he’d gotten about the new staff had only proven to him that Dean had a great deal of issues. He’d made a few friends, which meant that they saw him as a friend and Dean…had no idea how to react to it. The kitchen staff, for the most part, liked him. Most had various nurturing instincts raised in them at Dean’s slight hopelessness and love of food, and a few were honestly surprised by his cooking skills, though he couldn’t really cultivate them due to the constant dirt and grease he tended to have on his hands and under his fingernails.
Still, Castiel wanted to see him again, or find someone that would help Castiel in drawing out the others. He needed a Beta to help him.
So when he saw the shyer Beta, who’d been sticking near the wall or with a brown-haired female Beta, that he hadn’t danced with yet, Castiel at first thought he was just doing his duty as the host. He didn’t expect wide, green eyes to latch onto his before the Beta had nodded and they’d danced.
Castiel wasn’t sure how long it had been either. He knew they danced and stared at each other. He knew the Beta was taller than he was and handsome, dark blond and with a beautiful face. He didn’t realize how long it was until the clock sounded the time, and the other Beta came to get his companion before they both raced away.
Castiel tried to follow but lost them, frowning as he looked around and his brother came up beside him.
“Castiel?” Gabriel asked, looking him over. “What’s gotten into you?”
“I…found a mate…then I lost him.”
Gabriel frowned at that, then emptied his drink. “Well…that sucks.”
“Anna’s had her party. Let’s get me one in a week.”
Castiel frowned at that. “Why?”
“Why, dear brother, because maybe your mate will show up at that one,” Gabriel told him with a smirk. “It’ll probably take three of these before you get him.”
“Why three?”
“I forgot Mom didn’t tell you enough fairy tales,” Gabriel muttered as he looked at his emptied glass, “It’s what happens. Pretty Beta appears, dances all night and disappears. Next dance the Beta’s there again. At the third ball she leaves behind a shoe or you see her transform or something, and there are babies and you live happily ever after.”
Castiel sighed. “I hated those stories.”
“I didn’t. But that’s probably why Mom never read them to you.” Gabriel managed a shrug. “Either they’re royalty or not, brother. We’ll find out in a dance or two.”


Bela smiled at Dean the next day, which only got him to look away and blush. She’d come into the garage to speak to him alone, feeling that there was no need to tell anyone else what happened between Dean and the dark-haired Castiel Novak. “I’m impressed.”
“Shut up,” Dean muttered, heart not really in it. He’d liked Cas since the start, and hadn’t seen him except on the rare occasion he’d appeared in the garage, though that was mostly to get into a car and be driven somewhere. He hadn’t expected…well, whatever had happened. That they’d dance and Dean wouldn’t want to let go. That Cas would feel so right.
“Oh, come on,” Bela said, sounding annoyed, “I only pulled you away because we had to get to bed, but I know if I hadn’t, you’d be with him.”
Dean wasn’t so sure. Cas could have anyone, and for all Dean knew, he did. The others at Bobby’s had told him about those with power and money, and how many Betas they could or did have. Not that Dean understood the terms, but he supposed that meant the ones that they…had sex with.
It had been something Alastair had threatened but never carried through on, for which Dean was grateful to a small degree. What else he’d done had given Dean frightening prospects as to what sex would be like with another man, and he hoped to avoid it. Not that he was about to tell Bela THAT. The sight of her own scars, and her look when she’d seen his, seemed enough of a secret for them both.
“You don’t know that.”
“I’ve seen enough,” Bela told him, “I had to watch Emmanuel be all love-struck until yesterday, when Inias finally took him away to be his mate. Jimmy’s been moping a bit, but he has his mate and his daughter so he’ll be fine.” Jimmy was a nice guy, and his wife and daughter were equally nice. Emmanuel had been quiet and shy, but Dean didn’t mind it so much. The guy was, overall, a nice person.
“Doesn’t mean I’d…I’d go with Cas…tiel.”
Bela raises an eyebrow at him and finally smiles. “Well, I heard that Castiel’s brother wants another party, this one in a different area.” She smiled at him, and he frowned. “Almost the same setup, but no masks this time.” She sighed when he looked away. “Dean, no one is going to look at you twice the way you are right now. The…suit and boots kinda stop them from doing that.”
Dean looked back at her and she shrugged. “I learned it a few times. No one notices me unless I want them to, and they notice me when I’m dressed like I’m a Talbot, not like I’m one of the staff.” She sighed, looking sad. “I had to learn that fast, growing up.”
Dean shifted and stood. He’d only learned to care for Sammy, to do all that was needed to keep Sammy safe. After that had been taken from him, he’d not really been sure what to do or think. It had kept him from giving into Alastair, despite the pain and humiliation. He didn’t know and couldn’t really navigate the world, feeling far too out of place and freakish for it. It was why he’d found himself in love with cars and engines, with electronics and things that were just that, things, not people and all that they could be or weren’t.
He glanced at Bela before saying, “Why aren’t you a Talbot? Besides…what happened?”
She shrugged, still looking sad. “They didn’t want me to be. It’s a scandal, you see, when they found out. So there’s no point in my being a Talbot, and reminding them all of Daddy’s dirty little secret.” She sounded angry and bitter. Dean looked back down at the car engine.
“Dad…didn’t want me. Sammy could take care of himself, so I had to go.” Bela was quiet before Dean added, “The man that took me…gave me the scars. Dad didn’t. Dad didn’t really touch me.” A part of his mind remembered the beatings, few with hands and all with belts. The one or two times he’d been touched gently, when he was younger and had done a good job of caring for the house and Sammy.
Bela is silent again for a long time, Dean moving to work a bit on the engine before she says, “Come with me to the ball. Please, Dean.”
He looks up at her, and finally smiles. “Who am I to say no to a pretty lady?”
It gets her to laugh, at least.

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supernatural, alternate universe, dc_dystopia, dean/cas, rating: nc-17

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