Project: Ganymede (Resident Evil ChrisxWesker) 5/?

Oct 19, 2017 13:46

There are bars in front of him, covered over with what Chris is sure is something like chicken wire, the size of the cage big enough for Chris to stretch out and still have some inches in either direction. It’s big enough for him to crawl around it, and some part of Chris wonders if it’s for transporting the animalistic horrors, or repurposed from a similar cage. At the front, or at least near his head, are what looked like two bowls, like dog bowls, one full of water and the other full of what looked like stew or watery broth. As he glances above and around him, Chris notes the thin blanket he’s on, as well as the feel of what is possibly the floor or something. He glances over and pushes hard on the bars, shaking at how weak he feels and the lack of give on the bars. Whatever he was on, he can’t see any hinges or weak areas just yet, and it gets Chris even more worried. He shifts enough to glance back, noting a few spots that might work, but unable to see anything.

Chris shifted and looked back at the bowls, disgust warring with his need to at least eat and drink something. He had to survive, and he’d had enough training to know that his pride, at least at this point, was not something he was going to let get in the way of regaining his strength so he could escape. Chris crawled forward shakily, using his hand to scoop up some water and take a sip. The cool water tasted so good, making him almost long for a bit more, but he waited, trying to see if there was any ill effects as he glanced briefly at the soup, seeing the light coloration and smell as near-recognizable chicken soup. When Chris didn’t feel any weird side effects or taste anything in the water, he shifts a bit to get closer, leaning forward and drinking quickly from the water, sucking it down without actually sticking his face into it, though it was a near thing. The water soothed his throat and made him shiver, happy to get some relief after the last eight hours of…

Stop! Focus on what you need to escape, not on that. Chris dunked his face in the water, though the bowl was too shallow to really drown himself in, but the cool water on his face at least helped clear his head, Chris pulling his face out and shaking it briefly before going back to drinking the rest of the water. He briefly tried to move the bowl, finding that whatever the bottom was, it was pretty much pinned to that.

There’s one weapon down.

Chris let out a sigh as he shook his head, bits of water spraying before he went back to drinking the rest of the water and then briefly tasting the soup. It was more like a broth, and Chris wrinkled his nose at the taste, shifting away to look around the room he was in. Seeing the two long poles, one suspended from a tall metal frame, causes him to look away as a wave of disgust washes through him, making him wish the cage was large enough for him to sit up and curl into a ball. His mind briefly goes back to what he remembers before he passed out from the pain/pleasure that Wesker had pushed on him, the continued overstimulation and…and…

I’m going to fucking kill him. For Jill, for everyone, for my fuck-up that lead…that…

Chris’ blunt fingernails dug into his skin, and he barely managed to keep in the sob that threatened to tear through him, replacing that fear and sadness with anger and a need to get out.

Wesker is DEAD.


Excella is dressed in her usual low-cut gown, her well-endowed breasts heaving in annoyance as Wesker watches the video, pausing and motioning up to the one discrepancy he knows she had tried to hide with grainy video, but had failed to do so when he looked through it. “So what, exactly, were you thinking with that?”

“She was starting to wake during the experiments,” Excella whined, obviously trying to cover for her complete lack of ability in this, “and you were busy here with Uroboros and--.”

“I was busy here with the flower that creates Uroboros and the Prototype, from which all other viruses come,” Wesker said, his tone that of chastising a child, “not to mention I only recently got the BSAA to stop sending one of its last founding members after me, only to find you’d allowed the release of another while trying out untested clones like what that obsessed Simmons is working on.”

“It wasn’t untested,” Excella argued back, “and we didn’t think she wouldn’t recognize it in that state. I thought that it would…that it would....”

Wesker shook his head, glancing back at the dead clone of the STARS ALPHA team pilot, Vickers, and letting out a breath, annoyance making her fall back like a willful child. He honestly was only working with Tricell because his Neo Umbrella organization could only do so much without requiring funds, and those came mostly from one of Umbrella’s former rivals and, now, the main company to eclipse them in ability and stupidity. Jill Valentine, free and with all that had happened to her, was not about to let him keep Chris Redfield.

Granted, what she didn’t know would probably result in her thinking he was dead for the time being, as Chris believed of her, but if he played things right….

“Why clone Vickers anyway?” he demanded, recalling the “Chickenshit” and his fortuitous, if unhappy, departure that had sent them into the mansion. “Or are you testing out a different type of cloning than Simmons? Ada is quite unhappy, seeing as how the man apparently just wants to make up an easy sex-toy for himself that might also be somewhat useful.”

Honestly, Wesker was more annoyed at the potential loss of the antibodies Jill had within her from the t-virus, let alone the t-virus that Nemesis injected into the STARS members during the Raccoon City incident, than cloning his old STARS team members. Viruses had a rather nasty tendency to mutate over the years, and so few of the original t-virus strain were around after the decimation of Raccoon City and the fall of Umbrella. The Plagas virus that Wong had retrieved was a boon for all of his projects, continued or new, and he honestly was happier for her aid in everything thus far than any of Excella’s attempts to court him with her supposed intellect and grace.

Even if Wong had a soft spot for that Leon, he could see the reason for it, and thus far it had gotten them more chances to further their own cause with him alive and causing issues than dead and having some new unknown go in and muck things up. Kennedy and the others who routinely ‘ruined’ plans had thus far only proven themselves more as ways to gain good test data and also as a way to find worthy men and women for defeating the disease, or even those who could possibly live beyond that.

Excella, like Spencer, didn’t see that. To them, the best was only what their narrow view of things was, and it was beginning to grate on Wesker’s nerves. His original plan to recreate the world had hit the same snag as Spencer’s, only in reverse - how to leave more alive, rather than kill everyone off.

It gives me far better battle data, at least, Wesker thinks as he glances back to Excella Gionne, the CEO of Tricell’s Africa division and the woman that had managed to help him continue his research. What annoys him is her constant attempt to flirt and hint of her lust for him and the power that the Uroboros and the other viruses, not to mention the things they created. However, her loss of Jill and the fact that she was trying to clone his past men, or at least the far more useless STARS members, and with Chris in his grasp, he wonders about her actual thoughts.

“I see no reason not to,” she speaks up for her research, even if it failed miserably, “and the style in which Simmons and his own researchers have been trying to recreate just one person over ones that might actually work for us.”

He tilts his head at her, getting Excella to look away, her eyes falling on the four prisoners they have, awaiting for whatever tests Wesker decides to use upon them. The four are in solitary, away from each other, and the blonde one that had been so infatuated with Chris appears to be far worse off, having gone to a corner of the room, curled up in a ball and looking far less put-together than the others. Wesker has considered using a few strains of the Plagas and Uroboros virus on them, trying to figure out which would do what before they let them out to deal with their-

“You have a few agents?”

He looks back at Excella, seeing her eyes shining in curiosity and with a smile that he wants to see the result of. “We had a few come into our other lab, looking for their lost friend. I’m dealing with that one.”

Excella’s smile disappears, her look that of annoyance as she looks over at him. He sees Lenka appear to the other side of him, smirking as he says, “You wish to borrow one of our guests, Gionne? I’m sure they would be of use for your heavy-handed approach.”

“I had already perfected a serum that the armies of the world would pay a fortune to obtain,” she growled at him, Wesker standing between the two and letting out a mental sigh of annoyance. He’d forgotten that the Italian woman and his African second-in-command were often at each other’s throats for various reasons. “With one test subject I would have maybe made good, but with four?”


The two looked over at him as he pointed to the curly-haired one, the one that had been as upset with the blonde’s hurt as Chris had, and then to one of the other men who’d been with them. “You get two to play with and experiment on, Excella. The other two can be used to show me the extent of your wonder-drug or anything else you’d like to try out and couldn’t with the limited resource we had. Meantime, I would also like to test something on one of them regarding the Plagas sample and the Uroboros. It’s still not stable enough for my liking.”

Spencer wanted to raze the old world and recreate a new one in his image. Wesker doubts a group of others like himself will survive long without the in-fighting he’d seen in the Umbrella Corporation to take hold, but he does like the idea of creating these little tests, of gaining an idea of how badly things can be, and using that threat on the world to get whatever he wants.

A God doesn’t need to be the thing that the world was created from. They simply needed to be the ones that held the most power over the rest of their subjects.

“While you have your fun,” Wesker told her, getting her to look up at him with adoration that he found so fawning and unnatural, “I need to speak to Lenka on another matter. Do your job, Excella, and I might even forgive your mishap and that important loss from earlier.”


The water bowl fills on its own, Chris suspects from some sort of pump underneath it, but he can’t move the bowl or get to the piping, so it’s a moot point. All he cares about is that the water is there, and he’s somewhat able to time it. It gives him something to do, to focus on, besides the dark room, the torture area to one side, and his own shame.

Stop! Stop thinking about that! The fuck is wrong with you? Focus on escape, on getting back to save or…Chris cut off that line of thought. If he could get the others out, he will. The focus had to be on escaping, on getting out and back to a safe base so the BSAA could carpet-bomb the lab or wherever he was. Hopefully they’d get the place where those rapist assholes were too.

Besides the one currently using your body as a cum-dumpster.

Chris grimaced at the thought, pushing harder on his arm to try to dispel the thoughts that had been trying to derail him since he’d woken up. It was only recently that the BSAA had gone through mandatory trauma recovery things, and after what happened with that other par-


Thinking about that other traitor lead him to thinking about the last time he’d seen Jill, that Wesker was alive and well and Jill…Jill was either dead, or had been left to die while Wesker walked off, probably smirking at the irony. Jill had survived everything else, but her loyalty to Chris had gotten her killed.

Chris kicked aimlessly at the bars, trying to get his mind back to his present sour predicament. He needed to figure out a way to escape, and he’d need it soon. He wasn’t about to remain in Wesker’s clutches for however long that bastard wanted to keep him until his boredom resulted in Chris being used as an experiment and becoming some sort of evil monster for the BSAA to put down.

He debates eating the broth, but the disgust from before makes him wonder exactly how good it is. His stomach might need the food, but right now water is more important, so Chris goes for that, drinking it down and using some of it to wash himself, or at least get a bit wet, before going back to trying to figure out a way out of the cage, or what he’ll do if let out. Wesker or someone else will come up and probably try to hold him down and do…something. Chris doesn’t know if he can completely escape whoever comes through, but he has to hope that whoever comes in next, they aren’t too disciplined.

Chris is a bit surprised when he hears footsteps in the room, getting him to glance over and frown when he sees the familiar black clothing before Wesker walks into the light, looking over at Chris and smirking when he sees him awake. There’s what sounds like another person rolling something in, and then leaving out of a near-silent door as Chris glares at him.

“I see you decided to join us again,” Wesker purred as Chris continued to glare, his energy focused more on finding an escape than listening to Wesker try to intimidate him. “I must admit, I didn’t think you’d end up so worn out after our last session.”

Chris’ glare deepened even as he felt shame and anger rise at the reminder of the last ‘session’, of how pathetic he’d been at the end. Wesker’s smirk as he looks over Chris’ naked body doesn’t help him either, making the younger man self-conscious about how vulnerable he currently is. It doesn’t stop him from keeping his glare leveled at Wesker as he approaches and circles the cage slowly, his steps even as he does. Chris does his best to shift a bit, to stay as far from Wesker as he can, though there’s little that he can do in the cage that once felt a bit larger. Wesker pauses as he gets almost behind Chris, watching as he bumps uncomfortably into the latched-down water and food, the smirk still in place as he examines Chris.

“You’ve gone quiet on me again, Chris. Are you attempting to play coy with me? And after you made such lovely sounds the last time I had my fun with you.”

Chris barely holds in a curse as he glares back at Wesker, the smirk growing as he tilts his head and looks over Chris like he’s a particularly juicy bit of meat, or a steak cooked to perfection. It makes Chris’ skin crawl as he shifts, trying to stay in the middle of the small cage but also as far away from Wesker as he can. Wesker chuckles at Chris’ attempt to stay away from him, moving a bit further away and to something that apparently had been brought in while Chris’ attention was on Wesker. Stupid, I should’ve been paying more attention!

And what, allowed Wesker to touch him again, to realize his attention was elsewhere? The last few times that had happened, all that he’d gotten was pain or caused the pain of others. Keeping his attention on Wesker right now was more important than whoever else or whatever else was going on, since Wesker was probably the one he’d have to outpace in order to escape. At the same time, he can’t really outrun the bastard - even when Wesker was a full human, he had been faster in a straight-ahead than Chris, and only somewhat faster when it came to fighting and dodging. Chris had always managed to out-think him when it came to some types of stealth, but he’ll have to focus and hope for either a damned huge amount of luck or something.

“Your gears are turning again,” Wesker’s voice gets Chris to glare at him from where he’s putting some of the things and looking at something, closing a box and moving to stand and look over at Chris in the cage he’s been put in. “I hope you’re not thinking of cutting our time short, Chris. We’ve had so little time to catch up.”

“Fuck off and die already,” Chris manages to quietly growl out, his patience for dealing with Wesker at its limit. He’s had enough time to rally, and without the drug to weaken him, Chris is ready to fight against whatever Wesker throws at him.

Wesker slowly stands, a long coil of rope in his hand, and he gives Chris a predatory smile as something beeps, the sides of the cages popping up and opening, giving Chris only seconds to react. He barely manages to tumble to the side as Wesker lands right next to where Chris had been, the brunette managing to sent out a kick at the blonde that caught him right in the face, knocking off Wesker’s sunglasses and getting the other man’s head to go to one side as Chris manages to stand and start to run, just hoping to find and make it to the door. He doesn’t hear Wesker’s movement, only knows the next thing is rope around his neck, pulling him back and giving Chris barely enough time to get a hand between it and his neck, the rope burning as it’s pulled tight and Chris throws a hand back, connecting with a solid body - Wesker’s, he guesses - as he’s pulled back and staggered by the sudden change in direction, Chris doing his best to twist and fight back, the rope going out and Wesker’s hand grabbing Chris’ free wrist, twisting it painfully while Chris did his best to regain his balance, or at least fight back. He manages to get Wesker to pull him up, enough that he kicks and pulls, going down to send Wesker over and get himself out of the rope, twisting back and spotting two doors, though he can’t tell which one leads outside. He twists and runs, hoping to get between the two and open one, then the other, so he can get out of the room, at least.

Wesker recovers too quickly, and Chris manages to throw open the left door (bathroom, ok) before turning, barely getting away before Wesker has him pushed against the wall, his forearm against Chris’ neck as Chris works to push and kick him, Wesker’s cat-pupiled, red-colored eyes glowing as he looks at Chris with…lust.

Disgust builds in Chris’ stomach as he fights back, seeing the smile on Wesker’s face as he easily holds Chris up before he hit Chris hard, sending him to the ground, his ears ringing as he feels someone sit on his back, pulling his arms behind his back, rope easily wrapping around his wrist and forearms as Chris does his best to focus again, struggling to throw the body off of him, the weight set too far down for him to easily throw it off and the added lean on his shoulders meaning he had no good center to use to throw the man off.

“There’s the pointman I hired,” Wesker’s voice is hot against Chris’ ear as he purrs that out, shifting and tying the rope further up as Chris’ struggles begin to weaken. The bursts of adrenaline and energy he’d used to fight and try to escape had only served to show him where a possible exit was, and now, he was too tapped out to even manage to throw the insane monster off of him.

The rope around his upper body criss-crosses his back and arms in such a way that movement is downright impossible, knots making their way up his back and finally around his shoulders and chest. Wesker’s quick on the setup, and leaves Chris to struggle before leisurely getting another length of rope, walking back over and returning to start tying up Chris’ legs as the other man cursed and struggled.

“I must admit, you surprised me,” Wesker’s calm voice serves to only get Chris angrier, getting the brunette to struggle more as Wesker continued, undaunted by his former pointman’s protests. “I’d hate to face you at your best. That might actually be a challenge. Then again, even drugged you managed to take out six guards. A far better feat than your own men managed thus far, before and after their capture.” Chris’ struggles intensified at the mention of the other four, his hope spiking at the last bit.

He left them alive so far…they can still be saved.

“You seem interested in that. Still hoping for the petite blonde one to give you another blowjob?”

“You fucking bastard,” Chris growled out as Wesker finished, having tied Chris’ legs so they were bent, the white-haired former captain using the rope along Chris’ spin to pull him up so he was in a kneeling position, glaring back at the red-eyed madman.

“I’ll have to play nicely with that one, then,” Wesker told Chris with a smirk as he watches him, not even bothering to go retrieve his sunglasses that gave him some semblance of humanity. “Though I’ve heard the guards have also taken a shine to him. I’m sure they’d love to have him to play with again, since you’re unavailable.”

Chris clenched his teeth, too angry to even threaten the madman, and Wesker smirks as he runs a hand through Chris’ hair, the brunette shaking his head to dislodge it and glaring at him. He’s well aware of the power imbalance here, but he also knows that he’ll get through this and get out, or at least give the others a way out of this hellhole. That’s all Chris needs, and he’s closer to it.

I know the way out. I just need to get there.

I just need to survive this.

Wesker’s dislodged hand hovers over Chris head, finally grabbing hold of his short hair and pulling at it so Chris is forced to look at Wesker, seeing his eyes glow that unholy red color as the white-blond haired man smiles at him.
“Time to get back to your training.”

albert wesker, chris redfield, alternate universe, bdsm, resident evil, non-con, excella gionne, original male character(s)

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