Project: Ganymede (Resident Evil Fanficction, ChrisxWesker) Part 1/?

Sep 28, 2017 19:02

Chris Redfield curses his luck…no, that’s not really what it is. His hubris is far more to blame for his situation then his luck. He knew the dangers, knew that his former commander, Albert Wesker, was not someone you took on alone - he’d been witness to enough of the monster’s atrocities and actions for that to be something that should have sunk in long ago. Hell, Chris is one of the few people who’s gone head-to-head with Wesker after his dehumanization and lived.

Yet the past year of humiliation and setbacks, of constantly being one step behind Wesker, his Neo-Umbrella organization, and everything else, had only served to make Chris compliant and sloppy. He was never this stupid, not even at the mansion, when he still looked up to Wesker as his commander, or after it, when he’d gone in to multiple sites, only to learn that Wesker had ‘helped’, had simply allowed Chris and his team to take the lion’s share of the danger while he took the data needed to build himself an army.

Wesker’s death - his actual death, not his death-then-resurrection - would strike a critical blow for them and manage to put at least one thing to rest. Chris was determined, and that resulted in his capture by the local, well-paid (or already-turned, Chris had yet to figure out what Wesker was up to here) guards that had roughly grabbed him, taken his weapons and any other ways of communication, and injected something into the back of his neck before knocking him unconscious. Why they decided to do it that way instead of simply having Chris knocked out and waking up without his items and not even knowing about the drug or whatever it was that they decided to give him.

Chris’ main fear had been that he’d been injected by one of the viruses that Wesker had created over the years, and then his realization of how that would look - not just to his own legacy, but that of the BSAA - and how his decision that the risk was worth the reward, would ultimately lead to him probably being used against his own men when they came in to end the operation, and found Chris mutated.

Chris had just awoken, aching from where he’d been tackled, and his body felt odd…heavy. He was vaguely aware that even staying upright was hard to do without concentrating, or from the aid of whatever odd, high-backed, angled chair or sofa or whatever he was trapped in. This will make it twice as hard to escape, but Chris tries to mentally rally himself. After all, it appeared he was in a conference room, not a cell, and even if his eyes weren’t focusing or his body felt heavy, he also knew that wasn’t a sign of him being an experiment for one of the viruses Wesker created.

You’ve had worse to work through. Come on, you can focus. Focus, Chris! His mind’s demands were not met by his body, and he managed only a groan of frustration as he failed to do more than move his head and sit up a little before falling back down against the high-back chair he’d been put in.

“Chris,” the smooth, familiar voice of Albert Wesker sends a chill down Chris’ spine as he sees the tall man walk in, flanked only by a well-armed guard that appears uninfected by any of Umbrella’s viruses. Wesker’s eyes are, as usual, hidden behind the dark sunglasses he always wears, but Chris notices a flash of their red color go as he looks at him, “You’ve been a thorn in my side for a full year now. I’m impressed.” He walks closer, Chris doing his best to rally up enough fight to kick or do…something…to at least show he’s not some defenseless civilian or idiot who didn’t know the full extent of the dangers. Wesker might have some enhancements from Umbrella’s horror show that they continually created, but Chris had taken him on and come out of it alive before. He would again here.

“Do you know,” Wesker says, almost like they were chatting before a briefing during the STARS days, as he takes off his sunglasses, his red eyes flashing at Chris, “how absolutely tiresome it is, constantly on the move? Having to make sure your equipment, personnel, everything is briefed in case your little agency comes in?” Chris glares up at him as Wesker casually cleans his sunglasses and puts them back on, adding, “You and your agency has dogged me every step of the way, Chris. I find it hard to believe I’m the only one for your little force to bother with...”

The whole thing blurred suddenly, Chris feeling his body tilt dangerously to one side and barely manage to keep himself upright as he mutters, “Wh-wha-what did you…drug me with…?”

Wesker smirks at him, reaching out to run his fingers briefly through Chris’ hair as the other man tries to get away, the movement only serving to make him more off-balance and unable to focus. “I think you should see what it’s like to be dogged as relentlessly as you’ve been this year, Redfield.” Chris’ focus is still bad, only hearing Wesker say…something…about…undressing? his body briefly stops giving his mind input, getting Chris to mentally scream in protest and fear.

It’s only when he hears his own shirt rip that Chris manages to focus again, eyes widening as he sees Wesker, half-naked and with his belt and pants undone, reaching to pull off Chris’ shirt and open up his belt and pants. Behind him, the guard having given over his clothing and the weapons in his hands to another guard as he works to get out of his pants and boots. Wesker’s own dick is already showing through his underwear, and Chris does his best to fight back, attempting to kick and get away as he mutters, “W-what the…the hell are you…doing?”

“The drug I gave you is good for incapacitating, and keeps anyone groggy for long periods of time when there’s no activity,” Wesker tells him casually, moving to pull off Chris’ pants and boots in one easy, brutal, strong pull that nearly sends Chris off the seat as he tries to get away, to get his arms, hands, something to work. He manages to flex his hands, to grab for purchase against the chair, and starts shaking his head and doing his best to struggle as he sees the first guard stripped and walking towards him, his cock thick and already half-erect.

“Y-you cowardly bastards,” Chris grits out between his teeth as the guard easily pulls him up by one arm, standing and unable to even remain upright on his own, as Wesker smirks at him, running a hand down his back before cupping his ass briefly.

“Oh, Chris, I’m sure you think that the drug will go out of your system with actions, but truthfully, it will only stay in no matter what happens. It does, however, allow for far more clarity when you’re…stimulated,” Wesker chuckles, stroking Chris member as the younger man tries to lash out but fails, instead doing his best to throw insults despite the pain and fear building from the hold the other man has, as well as his obvious, growing interest in Chris’ struggles. Wesker laughs and pulls on Chris’ cock, the pain getting Chris to cry out before Wesker nods to the other man, “Hold and prepare him, but I want him first.”

Chris finds himself sitting back down, this time on the guard’s lap, feeling the man’s erection growing against his ass as he weakly struggles. The guard holding him up from behind, an arm wrapped around Chris’ torso to keep him still as another, gets something from whatever was in the tray next to them, moving down as Wesker holds Chris’ legs apart, allowing for access as Chris shakes his head. “Stop, stop this, no, you ba--!” his curse is cut short as he feels a finger press against his ass, his weak struggles only serving to push it further in as he groans in pain. The intruding digit works itself further in, only making him pant and groan at the unfamiliar pressure. Chris shakes his head, the drug and hold stopping him from moving too much, and he lets out a sudden, shaky breath as the finger probes in deeper, pressing against a spot that makes his cock jump and his body burn in pleasure.

“N-no, stop, you…you bastards, let me go.”

Wesker’s eyes flash red behind his dark sunglasses again, this time tinted with yellow, a smirk on his lips as he watches Chris struggle, the few pushes from the finger going from strange and intruding to almost pleasurable as it sometimes it hits the clump of nerves that makes him curse and moan, trying to throw his head back and hit the guard, but not managing to connect. The guard’s head is to one side, the light breath on his shoulder getting Chris to let out a frustrated growl that turns into a gasp of pleasure as the finger hits on the pleasure spot inside him. Hearing Wesker’s deep, needy chuckle fills Chris with fear as the finger leaves his ass, the sound of something being coated in the sticky thing from the tray nearby getting him to fight more as he also sees Wesker move over, a handful of what appears to be some sort of lube coating his erect cock, Wesker stroking it as Chris shakes his head, once more struggling before he feels something else, thicker than before, pushing against his entrance.

Chris let out a yell of pain as the cock pushed into him in one movement, the long stroke up making his vision white out briefly as he feels two more fingers, sticky-wet with the lube, tracing his opened hole. “You took that in pretty easily, Chris. I never thought you’d be so willing.”

“F-fuck you both, y-you bastard,” the hand around is leg lets go, the two arms moving to lock in place as Chris nearly got control of his arm again, the left one barely managing to move forward as his legs fell down. The intruding, thick cock is still in place, not even moving, as Chris felt the grogginess and inability to focus come back to his body as Wesker laughed.

“Oh, you’re handling that fine for the two of us, Chris,” Wesker growls, low and throaty, as one, then another finger push into him, alongside the cock already putting pressure on his entrance. “I’m going to have fun with you.”

Chris shook his head, cursing as Wesker pushes another finger in, scissoring the three slightly as Chris pants, the feel starting to get to his body as his mind rebels against what’s going on. He’s got to fight the drug, got to fight back. He can’t let this happen. He won’t!

“I’ll kill you for this,” Chris growls as Wesker pulls out his fingers, stroking the bit of the guard’s cock still exposed, getting it to twitch inside of Chris and making him let out a moan of despair as his attempt to move, to push Wesker away, only results in his hands weakly moving against the strong arms wrapped tight around his chest.

Wesker laughs as he moves forward, grabbing Chris’ legs and lifting them up, easily parting them as Chris tries to kick at him, to push him away as his arm barely manages to bend at the elbow, his hand flexing as he tries to push back, away, anything to get him out of this situation. Wesker puts Chris’ left leg over one shoulder, the right down near his hip, and reaches with his right hand to grip his own cock before lining up. Chris begins to curse as he feels the new pressure start to build, his body finally starting to answer his mind’s instructions to fight back, but the strong hold of the guard and Wesker keep him from really doing much to escape them. Wesker growls as he pushes into Chris, rubbing against the guard’s cock and shoving Chris back against the chair, the guard holding Chris moving as well to keep his cock inside. Chris feels like he’s being split apart, hearing Wesker’s gravelly purr of his name as he fully seats in, then begins to move, steadily pumping in and out of Chris’ body after the initial resistance, the guard remaining still and holding the BSAA member in place as he’s taken by his former STARS commander.

Chris does his best to look away, but the smooth movement, pushing inside of him and easily going out moves him completely, forcing his head to fall forward and back, seeing Wesker once more loom over him. Chris starts to pant at the pain and sensation building in him from the feel of it, and it only adds to his anger at Wesker laughs as he continues to take the younger man, his body’s paleness standing out more as he moved against Chris’ less pale, living, suntanned skin.

“I’ll fucking kill you for this, Wesker,” Chris says, his head turning as he sees what’s going on, his brain trying to figure out why he’s not bleeding from the violation and pain, why his cock is hard despite the overwhelming feeling of fullness and stretching to near-breaking, all of it adding to his anger and confusion as he looks up. Wesker smiles as he easily keeps up the pace, Chris feeling his bravado slip, fear slipping into his mind briefly as all he sees is the smirk on Wesker’s face, the feel of the two men inside of him, the fear as he realizes his luck on tracking Wesker might not result in him being found…that Wesker has been leading to this, and there’s nothing Chris can do, even if he’s not drugged…

“Y-you…you fucking cowards,” Chris says, breathless at the continued push/pull and pleasure/pain, at each accidental hit of his prostate, panting as he tries to move his arms, only his elbows bending to any satisfaction as he shakes his head, caught by the building pressure and pleasure.

He finally looks back up towards Wesker, his fear at what was happening and his former commander’s maniacal laughs and grunts of pleasure, pleasure that Chris is beginning to feel, getting Chris to beg, feeling pathetic as he does, “Just let me go. Just…let me go.” He hates the whine in his voice, the pain and humiliation building as much as his weakness from the drug, his head lulling to one side as Wesker laughs at his pain, still moving into him and pressing into his body.

“We’ve only just begun,” Wesker promises with a smile, leaning in and pushing Chris’ body into a slightly different position, one that sparked a bit more pleasure while also reminding him of the presence of two cocks in his ass. Even though the guard simply seemed to use it and his body to keep Chris still as Wesker violated him, it’s still something that gets Chris to groan at the change, unable to hold in the sound. His arms are pulled behind his back by the guard and held tightly as the change of angle has Wesker’s pace speed up, now pounding harder into Chris and his abused hole.

“You fucking cowards,” Chris growls, his fear and the pressure/pleasure turning to anger as he manages to use what strength he has to look over and glare at Wesker, obviously getting a rise out of Chris’ defiance from the smirk he offers in return. “I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you both, I swear!”

Wesker only laughs as Chris feels something start to pulse inside of him, but knowing his own feeling of pleasure, he realizes that it can only mean…

“N-no!” the pace gets faster, the sudden start of the guard joining in the thrusts only making Chris’ fear and shame spike as the grip on his hands tighten, the guard arching as Wesker pushes deep inside of Chris, letting out a growl of pleasure before laughing in triumph. Chris can only curse them as Wesker pulls out, the feel of…of Wesker’s cum…coming out of his ass as the other man removes his cock, laughing as Chris curses at his former teammate, humiliation up as Wesker says with confidence, “Ah, there it is…”

“I’ll fucking kill you,” Chris manages to growl out, the guard still holding him still as Wesker reaches over to grab hold of Chris’ half-hard cock, stroking it once before reaching to once more coat his fingers in the lube or whatever it was nearby. The guard holds Chris steady as he tries to get away, his legs still spread and cum still seeping out of his abused ass. Wesker strokes him quickly to fullness, Chris cursing as he does his best to not give in, to not allow his body to react the way it wants to react to the stimulation.

No, no, fuck no, this is Wesker, I can’t…no…

“Bastard, I’ll fucking kill you.”

“Still so confident of your abilities,” Wesker says as he continues to stroke Chris, getting Chris to struggle weakly against the hold, mentally noticing his strength returning, as well as his focus, even as shame washes through him at realizing what had be done for those small gains.

“You’re so sensitive to my touch, Redfield. Are you starting to enjoy it? Missed being my subordinate that much?”

“Bastard, like I’d enjoy anything you do,” Chris growls, panting suddenly as his hips begin to move a bit at the continued pressure and movement, the feeling getting him to let out a groan in frustration, getting him to try to focus on anything else. The sudden pressure of the guard’s renewed interest is apparently noticed by Wesker. Chris does his best to ignore it, to curse and try to get Wesker’s attention back to him, but Wesker only seems to find it funny, saying, “Go ahead, take him again.”

“No!” Chris tries to protest, but the guard moves, Wesker stopping enough to help impale Chris back onto the guard’s cock, laughing as Chris lets out a cry of pain, the guard’s hold on him tight around his arms. Chris pants, trying to fight back but trapped by Wesker’s strength and the hold from the guard as Wesker reaches over to pull at the back of Chris’ head and force him to look at his former commander. At some unseen signal, the guard began to thrust his hips, slamming into Chris hard as Wesker said, “Only look at me, Chris. I’m the one who’s going to give you this much pleasure and pain.” The feel of Wesker’s hand back on Chris cock, stroking it in time with the guard’s movements, made Chris curse him again, trying to focus on anything else as the pressure began to build, more and more pleasure coming through his senses then the disgust and pain he’d used to focus.

“Bastard, you bastard…let me go…” the last part came out as a pathetic whine, a pleading sound that made him feel like a spoiled child that wasn’t getting his way. “Stop, stop please!”

“You’re close, aren’t you Chris?” Wesker’s hand tightened painfully around the back of Chris’ skull, the BSAA member beginning to pant in need of sexual release before he glanced down and saw Wesker once more starting to get hard. “You’d best keep your eyes on me, Chris. I’m not one to ask nicely.”

“You fucking bastard,” Chris growled out, struggling again even as pleasure rose from the pounding, a shift to hold him nearer to Wesker resulting in the bundle of nerves being hit more and more often, while Wesker’s stroking his cock got him closer to cumming. “Bas-ah-ah, j-just let me go.”

“Where would be the fun in that? As I said, I’ve only just started with you, Chris.” Wesker laughed again as Chris’ panting became more uneven, the guard’s thrusts harder and faster, Chris unable to shake his head as pleasure shot through him, cum covering Wesker’s hands as Chris felt the guard’s cum empty into him again.

Shame and rage filled him as he once more whispered, his feeling of hopelessness adding to his rage, “I’ll kill you for this, Wesker, I’ll fucking kill you.”

Wesker pulls back, holding Chris’ head in place as Wesker brings up the hand coated in Chris’ cum. Chris glanced away as Wesker made a ‘tsk’ sound, moving the hand near Chris’ mouth. “Lick it off.”

“Fuck you and die.”

The movement is so fast that Chris can’t follow it, though it’s not surprising to him - he’s faced Wesker for nearing a decade now, and was the first to see Wesker’s transformation into something inhuman. His ears are still ringing from the blow, cheek aching as Wesker uses his other hand grip Chris’ jaw, the pain forcing it open as Wesker sticks his coated fingers into Chris’ mouth, forcing them down so Chris nearly chokes.

“I said ‘lick it’.”

Chris remains still, trying to focus through the pain, considering biting down but it was bad enough that Wesker’s semen was in him - who knew what the blood would do?

Wesker still wipes Chris’ own cum on his tongue, chuckling as he removes his fingers before saying, “We’ll have to work on your training, Chris.”

“Screw you,” Chris growls as the grip loosens on his chin, the grogginess from before starting to creep in from the drug.

Wesker doesn’t even bother to laugh or smirk before he stood, the guard following and holding Chris upright as Wesker moved, going to pick up a few things from nearby that Chris couldn’t see with the drug reasserting itself, until he felt Wesker’s cold hand on his face.

“My best man…I have some training for you.”


“You loathe Chris Redfield so much?” His second had asked with far too much bravado as they watched Chris coming towards their compound, taking out men easily as he did, but obviously alone. “For foiling your plans, or for ensuring you had a plan?”

“I had a plan, and he made it more complicated.” Chris’ inability to understand, to simply allow Wesker to finish his work, had set him back years, and given Sergi and the Red Queen their time to keep him from all that should have been his. Those extra few years, and Wesker could be further along in his work, and not running from those do-gooders who didn’t understand his plan.

“Yet without him, you would not be the god you are today,” the second remarked, “but I think you forget the older gods and their powers, the ones that remain even after Christianity spreads.”

Wesker turned, looking at him coolly through his dark shades. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

The second didn’t seem to notice the danger he was in, instead saying, “The God of Abraham is petty, and believes only he can heal, that only he can be the son and the father. Old gods know that the best way to do this is to have both - a son and a father. To find the one you hate the most, or admire the most, and make them your own. You are a god,  Wesker, and you continue to allow this man to live. Take him as you should have taken him at the beginning.”

It’s odd, to look up such things when he found no reason to look up names or beings before. What use would Wesker have for gods when he was one himself? He had no use for them before, when he worked for Umbrella and saw that they were nowhere near competent enough to do what needed to be done with the T-Virus, let alone any other virus they created and unleashed on their underpaid and unhappy company men. Now, with it brought up, he considers as he watches Chris come in - his muscles have gotten more defined and bulkier, obviously his focus on fighting Wesker…he’s turned himself into a weapon, to point at Wesker and defeat him, no matter what. That he is so determined to find and defeat Wesker…perhaps he could use that…

“When he comes in, use the drug we have to keep our guests aware but unable to move. Let me see what I can do with him before I make the choice.”
“Of course,” his second said with a smile, “I live only to serve you.”.

non-con drug use, rape, albert wesker, chris redfield, anal, chrisxwesker, resident evil, non-con, threesome, double penetration, original male character(s)

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