Jul 24, 2008 12:44
I do, I'm stairaphobic. I hate going up ladders and stairs, I always feel I might fall off at any second given. My phobia kind of does affect my life, because I'm slow going down stairs, and I usually fall. I've fallen in my home NUMEROUS times, like when I was 10, I was excited for a fieldtrip I slipped and smashed my back against two of the stairs. I member what happened too, I began to slide myself down the rest of the stairs. I was having trouble breathing until lastley I remember I callapsed. I had the wind knock'd out of me. I woke up in the middle of the hallway, about 10 ft we're I may of feel into sleep. It was weird, and my mom came down the second I started moving, and I missed my fieldtrip.
writer's block