when she saw his announcement that he was coming to town, she smiled. She remembered the last time she'd see him. 3am in the morning in a city they had spent half the night trying to understand. Wandering around, filled with the confidence that comes with conquering a major hurdle, with the excitement of being immersed in a different culture, with the joy of being carefree. She also remembered the copious amount of beer, the endless wafts of flavoured tobacco and the man singing folk songs in the corner of the cafe while teenagers belted out the chorus and she smiled again. When they parted then, it was with a smile and a hug and the thought that of what good luck it was to meet such a great person in what was turning out to be a slightly surreal experience. there was a little thought of what if, but it was buried under the busyness of the trip, of the day ahead, and the awareness that experiences in a foreign land were always more exciting, more profound, just more.
he was only free at night and she wasn't. She was free in the day but he would be stuck in the conference then. So polite smses are exchanged. Would have been nice to meet up. have a good time, we'll catch up another time. She went off for a dinner appointment, giggling with the kids and catching up on the gossip.
On the way home, she checks her phone and a message blinks- he's happy to do lunch. Meet at Bloomsbury, on the corner of of G Street and T. Place where the bookstore is. She wonders about the conference but agrees. After all, she did say she could do lunch. So the next morning, she hops on the 9.50am and heads to town.