Chicken and Leek Stroganoff

Mar 12, 2010 16:12

Chicken and Leek Stroganoff
Рецепт из книги, перепечатывать лень, вот нашла в сети.

sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
150g long-grain or basmati rice
1 large leek
a big handful of chestnut or oyster mushrooms
2 chicken breasts, preferably free-range or organic
olive oil
a knob of butter
a glass of white wine
a bunch of fresh parsley
285ml single cream
1 lemon

Pour boiling water from the kettle into a large pan, place on a high heat and add a pinch of salt. Add your rice, bring back to the boil, then turn the heat down slightly. Cook for the length of time given in the packet instructions. Cut both ends off the leek, quarter length ways slice across thinly, then wash well under running water. Slice the mushrooms. Slice the chicken breasts into little-finger size pieces.

Put a large frying pan on high heat and add a good lug of olive oil and a knob of butter. Add the leek to the pan with the white wine, a small glass of water and a good pinch of salt and pepper. Let it bubble away for 5 minutes, covered loosely with a piece of foil. Meanwhile finely chop the parsley, stalks and all. Remove the foil and add the chicken strips, most of the parsley, the cream and the mushrooms. Stir, bring back to the boil, then turn the heat down to medium and simmer for 10 minutes. Drain your rice. Just before serving cut your lemon in half and squeeze the juice of one half into the stroganoff. Season to taste.

Spoon some rice on to each plate and top with the stroganoff. Scatter with the rest of the chopped parsley. Serve with the other lemon half, cut into wedges.

Порея не был, был красный лук. Шампиньоны никакие, поэтому были белые. Очень, очень вкусно, но не фотогенично))

несладкое, крупы, птица, грибы, jamie_oliver, овощи, ***

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