
Sep 04, 2014 11:14

I had a dream where I visited the Berliner Philharmoniker on a Saturday afternoon when they had loads of public musical education things going on, including Simon Rattle giving a violin masterclass that the public could look in on. (As I passed, I saw two cellists looking in through the glass trying to overhear and follow his instructions.) There were also a handful of old beat-up pianos outside that people could play, and even an old rubbish harpsichord! This last I played through its stuck keys and confusing multiple manuals, and got so caught up in it that I didn't notice the fire from a building across the road infect it until too late. When I noticed the flames licking up through the case I ran across to the nearest firefighter, who inexplicable had the TICKEST Dublin accent, and he reluctantly came over to save the harpsichord rather than the building. It was too late though. Sorry dream harpsichord! You died playing Bach!
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