Nov 27, 2008 18:50
So, I've spent the last two and a half hours trying to fix Jared's camera. His camera stopped working for some odd reason. You could turn it on and the light would come on, but then it would crash and turn off. Jared attempted taking it apart to see what was wrong, but he couldn't pull it apart.
So, now that he's getting a new camera for Christmas, he gave me permission to take it apart. (Remember, I'm the engineer; I can take anything apart. The problem is putting it back together again.) So, I took it apart. One of the screws was in too tight and wouldn't come out. I ended up stripping off the top. It made me mad, so I kind of pulled the plastic off around it (it's only a little bit broken and appearances mean little to me).
Well, I get the covers off and have the bare camera in front of me. I don't see anything burnt out. So, I turn it on and all of a sudden it's working. I hold it in a different way to get a different view, and it goes off. Come to find out, there's a short by the lens. A piece had come loose and was hitting the metal casing around it. So, I put that back in its spot, and now it's working again...
So, when I think about putting it back together again, I realize the flash component is on the case that I had taken off. So, now I've got to put the circuit back onto the main circuit. It's a lot harder done than said.
Trying to put the flash back on is ridiculous. You can't see a damn thing trying to put it in. So, you can't tell if the circuits are touching. I pulled the flash component out (it has a big capacitor on it) and attempted to find where they're supposed to connect. Well, me not thinking just happened to hold it by the capacitor's ends that you shouldn't hold (I made a complete circuit with it). And let me tell you, that capacitor still had a charge on it. I've never been electrocuted before until now. Geez, it hurt.
Anyways, long story short (after making the stupid circuit smoke a bit because you can't get at hooking them up without using a pointy object), I couldn't hook up the flash. So, the camera can take pictures without flash. Atleast I got the camera working again...