Feldon Takes Drugs In Psychic Defense

Sep 11, 2008 14:07

But enough of the Wellbutrin and its lovely side effects. Let us talk instead about Omens and other weird bits. A couple months ago I was delivering a route and there inside the mail box I found a little bat baring its teeth at me. I was amused and let him be. Freak incident.

Today I'm on a route, a different one and there lying on the sidewalk is a dead bat, poor bastard must have flown into the wall or something. The question is how? A bird flying into a window i can see happening but a bat with it's echo-location should have 'seen' the wall there.

That is neither here nor there, what is important, at least in my screwed up head, is that this is the second time on route that I've found a bat. I'm noting it here so that later when all the significances add up I'll see a bigger picture.

I must also note that on several occasions this year I envisioned myself as a bat in a few of my meditations flitting through the aether, above gardens of electric flowers (image a garden in the world of Tron).

Animals Strike Curious Poses
They Feel The Heat
The Heat Between Me and You.
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