music suggestion for people who like something chill, nice to listen to, great vocals and overal just a solid cd... buy the cd by Dustin Kensrue. He is the lead singer of the band Thrice fyi. he just put out his own acousticish, folk rock/alternative countryish cd this past Tuesday. you can get it for $10 at HMV and it's sooo worth it.
i guess with me, i dont have a lot of easy listening (but totally still foot tappin' music) so this was a great cd at the perfect time. i think i'm more a fan of it then City & Colour. it grew on me instantly. Like Dallas Green, Dustin has a very solid, powerful voice, that for me personally, is very unique. but at the same time, completely different than Dallas Green's.
Seriously, check this out for a sample and let me know. copy n paste i guess.