Feb 12, 2013 21:26
Oops, looks like I forgot to post stuff.
Okay so whats happened?
I've been dizzy/woozy since mid december, seen the doc 4 times and now being referred to Ear, Nose n throat. thats happening in March. I'm still woozy, its annoying and isn't making for happy fun horse.
Also, after a year wondering, I finally had my glaucoma referral yesterday. after a batch of horrible eye tests and torture, my left eye is at risk. so in 6 months, I get another checkup to see if its worse or not. So, a chance my left eye can go blind in the future. lets hope it doesn't get worse.
Hmm, apart from that, We're attending Confuzzled 2013. we're looking at a vacation some where outside the UK but thats not decided on yet.
well hope you're all well!