Updates again!

Sep 22, 2012 20:45

Hello all!

Okay, not much to report on to be honest. Mostly stuff going on around me at the moment.

Things like, losing three people that I knew in the space of two weeks. Pebble, Margaras and S'a'alis. Two I knew and met in rl, one online only. Its been somewhat of a downer to be honest.

Work is going through some upheaval. To be honest, its been stressing me some and has me concerned for the future. we will have to see how the forthcoming changes that are being put on us will go.

Henry is doing ok as well, the suppliments he's are keeping him active which is good. he's lost some muscle mass in his hinds, but he's still looking really good for 22years old! I love my old hoss!

Squirl is doing fine as well, though work has had him busy as well. His new meds for his head seem to be better than the last lot so no manic mood swings, but still not 'normal'. I hope it will settle down some.

So, talk later!
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